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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Assistant professor attempts to connect computers, drugs

By Renee Barrow October 3, 2013

While many students think computer science and biology are different research fields, Michal Brylinski, assistant professor of biological sciences and Center for Computation and Technology faculty member,...

Middleton Library is now supplying a variety of phone chargers that can be checked out and used by the LSU students.

Middleton provides phone chargers for rent

By Michael Tarver October 3, 2013

Instead of having to stand for long periods of time at a docking station, University students can now check out phone chargers for iPhones and Android devices. Elissa Plank, department head of circulation,...

Gov. Jindal declares state of emergency in wake of T.S. Karen

By Staff Reports October 3, 2013

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declared a state of emergency Thursday in anticipation of Tropical Storm Karen's potential landfall. The state of emergency will last until Nov. 1, unless it is cancelled sooner. Jindal...

At an EOC panel discussion Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012 in the Atchafalaya Room in the Union Executive Assistant to the Chancellor and Head of the EOC, D'Ann Morris, blames herself for the not being specific in the emergency text message for the bomb threat, as the bomb threat text message template was not specific. Morris said the EOC has since developed templates for a variety of situations during a bomb threat.

Campus authorities monitoring Tropical Storm Karen

By Staff Reports October 3, 2013

As Tropical Storm Karen brews in the gulf, the University’s Emergency Operations Center was notified by its director, D’ann Morris, to be on standby as the storm develops over the next few...

Peyton Cacioppo gives a presentation explaining sexual consent at 1000 Nos and 1 Yes on Wednesday evening, Oct. 2, 2013 in the Atchafalaya Room in the LSU Union.

Consent, communication discussed at ‘1000 No’s’ event

By Desiree Roberston October 3, 2013

Differences between consent and coercion were the focus of the “1000 No’s and One Yes” event Wednesday night in the Student Union. Communication studies sophomore Peyton Cacioppo was...

Professors from Korea, Jamaica bring unique view to University

By Michael Tarver October 2, 2013

Two new professors have joined the University faculty this semester from different walks of life, and both have experienced a change in culture. The School of Human Resource Education and Workforce Development...

Minority group returns to campus

By Olivia McClure October 2, 2013

After six years of inactivity, the University’s chapter of Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) is making a comeback with a kickoff event 6 p.m. tonight. MANRRS...

Crawly Combat: Alumnus to lecture on insect warfare

Crawly Combat: Alumnus to lecture on insect warfare

By Jonathan Olivier October 2, 2013

Armies have gone to extreme lengths to create weapons of destruction over the past few thousand years, sparing few natural resources from human manipulation. Insects are no exception. Professor of Natural...

LSU offers study abroad programs on six continents

By Elizabeth Thomas October 2, 2013

Students gathered Tuesday and Wednesday in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom to learn information about the University’s study abroad program. The Study Abroad Fair gives students the opportunity to learn...

Missing LSU student found

By Zachery Carline October 2, 2013

UPDATED 3:28: Baton Rouge Police confirm that Shelby Zeringue has been reported found.  BRPD officers say Zeringue's family contacted them saying she was found. No other information could provided...

Ableton Live 9 is available for students to score and produce their music in the Music Resource Department in Middleton Library.

Middleton offers new music producing, scoring software to computers

By Michael Tarver October 1, 2013

If students want to make beats like Daft Punk or Nine Inch Nails, the new software selection in the Music Resources section of Middleton Library can make that happen. Middleton’s Music Resources...

Chemical engineering sophomore Rachel Devall participates in a True Colors workshop Tuesday, October 1, 2013 in the University Center for Freshman Year in Allen Hall.

Color Coded: Workshops help students explore personalities, majors

By Olivia McClure October 1, 2013

Choosing a major is easy for some freshmen. For others, the process can be difficult for a variety of reasons, including adjustment to college life and uncertainty about career goals. University College...