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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



STEM minority graduates stay steady

By Renee Barrow September 26, 2013

Although national trends highlight small numbers of minority students graduating in STEM — science, technology, engineering, and math — fields, the University can boast about higher numbers...

Out-of-state numbers decline, overall numbers rise

By Camille Stelly September 26, 2013

Editor’s note: This is the second in a three-part series looking at enrollment data from LSU since 2001. For more interactive graphics about international and in-state student enrollment, visit As...

Parking Tickets

Parking Wars: LSU parking offers temporary solution to parking madness

By Elizabeth Thomas September 26, 2013

Having to arrive on campus 20 minutes before class starts has become a common headache for commuters on campus. Students are having to fight to get a close parking spot so they don’t have to walk...

Accounting sophomore Garrett Arceneaux, left, helps fellow accounting sophomore and first cousin Jared Arceneaux, right, with his push-up set in the UREC on January 13, 2013. They both have the New Year's resolution to meet the Navy Seal's fitness requirements just to see if they can do it.

Exercise, friends reduce stress for students

By Desiree Roberston September 26, 2013

Stress is an inevitable part of a college student’s life, and learning how to control it can be an issue for some. A recent survey discovered that intense exercise and spending time with friends...

Event to educate students on sexual violence

By Desiree Roberston September 25, 2013

The University is participating in its first Rape Abuse and Incest National Network Day Oct. 1 to kick off National Domestic Violence month in October. RAINN Day is an annual day of action that happens...

A damaged library book with sticky notes in it rests on a shelf Wednesday, September 25, 2013, in Middleton Library. A new campaign is being launched to prevent students from damaging books.

Writing notes in books considered violation

By Michael Tarver September 25, 2013

One might not think leaving a sticky note or highlighting some words in a book could do any real damage, but it might just change the entire experience for the next reader. Faculty Senate recently passed...

Office of Multicultural Affairs hosts open house

By William Morris September 25, 2013

It can be difficult to fit in at a large university like LSU, which is why the Office of Multicultural Affairs believes finding a way to feel comfortable is key to a successful college experience. Wednesday...

Student charged with second rape

By Zachery Carline September 25, 2013

A second woman claimed she was raped by University law student Abdellatif Devol, 25, of 2232 Terrace St. Devol was arrested on Sept. 18 for the forcible rape and sexual battery of a 26-year-old female...

LSU Ernest and Alice Neal Professor of Geology, Jeffrey Nunn, speaks to fellow students and Baton Rouge locals Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013 at Chelsea's Café about the Louisiana sinkhole and its expansions during the monthly LSU Science Café talks.

Professor addresses Bayou Corne sinkhole issues at Science Café

By Jonathan Olivier September 24, 2013

The steadily growing sinkhole at Bayou Corne was discussed Tuesday at the monthly LSU Science Café at Chelsea’s Café wth guest speaker Jeffrey Nunn, University Ernest and Alice Neal Professor...

Health Promotion Coordinator Sierra Fowler discusses the Sexual Assault Victim's Advocacy Program (SAVA) on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013 at the Tiger Games in the LSU UREC.

The Tiger Games addresses personal wellness

By Elizabeth Thomas September 24, 2013

University students tackled overall personal wellness through an afternoon of interactive games Tuesday at the University Student Recreational Complex as part of The Tiger Games hosted by the Student Health...

Organization seeks to block DOJ voucher lawsuit

By Gordon Brillon September 24, 2013

A group of parents and advocates threw their support behind the state of Louisiana in its fight to maintain a controversial school voucher program Tuesday. The Black Alliance for Educational Options, a...

University student has truck stolen, totalled in Tigerland

By Zachery Carline September 24, 2013

University construction management senior Dalton McLain was picking up his friends from Fred’s in Tigerland when his 2006 gray Chevrolet Silverado was stolen and totalled by Zachary Burgess, 20,...