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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



LSU President F. King Alexander speaks at Breakfast to Business Tuesday, July 23, 2013 in the Business Education Complex.

Alexander talks University mid-career earnings

By Taylor Schoen July 24, 2013

LSU President F. King Alexander addressed the University’s nation status among other topics Tuesday Morning at the University Executive Education’s Breakfast to Business series. Alexander cited...

Petroleum engineering junior Feiting Long is an international student from Chengdu, China.

Sweltering Summer: International student talks dealing with southern heat

By Tesalon Felicien July 24, 2013

Petroleum engineering junior Feiting Long perspired as if he’d recently emerged from a tunnel connecting the University to his native Chengdu in Western China. Though the Louisiana heat seemed to...

Campus Crime Briefs: July 23, 2013

By Trey Labat July 22, 2013

Three on-campus robberies occur within three hours of each other According to LSUPD spokesman Capt. Cory Lalonde, two robberies and one attempted robbery happened in the span of just under three hours...

Lee Griffin speaks at a Transition Advisory Team meeting in the LSU Energy, Coast and Environment Building on July 22, 2013.

Transition Advisory Team addresses tenure, recruiting

By Taylor Schoen July 22, 2013

The Transition Advisory Team discussed increasing research faculty funding, tenure evaluations and maintaining faculty retention on Monday afternoon. To keep faculty at the University, TAT has recommended...

The School of Human Resource Education and Workforce Development will be moved from the Old Forestry Building, shown above, to 298 Coates.

School of HRE relocates to Coates Hall

By Lawrence Barreca July 22, 2013

The University School of Human Resource Education and Workforce Development is on the move in 2013. Formerly located in the Old Forestry Building just south of the Quad, the school can now be found in...

Construction on Dalrymple Dr. blocks a lane of traffic on July 22, 2013.

Phase one of ‘Easy Streets II’ construction project begins

By Trey Labat July 22, 2013

Construction has begun on phase one of the Easy Streets II program, designed to ease traffic around campus. The bulk of the construction will occur around Dalrymple Drive, Infirmary Road and Cypress Drive. A...

Where's My Ticket?: SG aids students with ticket debacle

Where’s My Ticket?: SG aids students with ticket debacle

By Lawrence Barreca July 22, 2013

A number of students who believed their final season in Tiger Stadium slipped away have gotten a second chance, thanks to an online appeal form provided by Student Government. The ticket ordering notification...

University’s appeal denied

By Taylor Balkom July 19, 2013

An appeals court denied the University's appeal Friday to keep the names of its presidential search committee finalists secret. The appeal came after approval by the Board of Supervisors in June. In April,...

Behind a closed door and in a corner of Middleton Library lies an off-limits selection of books, with titles ranging from "The Scandal of Pleasure" to "Male Nude Now."

Middleton restricted section content varies

By Tesalon Felicien July 17, 2013

According to the LSU Libraries’ website, more than 4 million volumes line the shelves of the Middleton Library. Of those, 247 — less than one percent — are classified as “restricted.” The...

Football ticket info sent to spam box

Football ticket info sent to spam box

By Lawrence Barreca July 17, 2013

The student section in Tiger Stadium is its own animal  — a sea of purple and gold swaying in unison with the same intensity as the LSU football team on the ground below. For a number of University...

LSU College of Engineering announces $2 million gift

By Lawrence Barreca July 16, 2013

The LSU College of Engineering received a generous gift Tuesday, as one donor helped to add to the eventual completion of the future expansion of Patrick F. Taylor Hall. Roy O. Martin III, who is the president...

Jane Cassidy

Academic Affairs details summer initiatives

By Lawrence Barreca July 15, 2013

The University Office of Academic Affairs has its hands full as it works on a number of initiatives for the future of the campus. Jane Cassidy, vice provost for Human Resources and Facilities Management,...