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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Campus expands at unprecedented rate

By Gabrielle Braud May 5, 2013

As a dusty haze descended upon campus this semester, from it rose projects like the parking garage and Tiger Stadium renovations — and the dust is far from settling.  This summer, University...

Downtown Grocery holds grand opening

By Jonathan Olivier May 5, 2013

Downtown Grocery is the newest business to call the downtown area home and will hold a grand opening Monday, joining the ranks of other new businesses in a thriving and growing section of Baton Rouge. ...

Atheist author Dan Barker speaks to students and faculty Thursday, Feb. 21. 2013, in Coates hall.

Atheist and LGBT communities see organized action

By Erin Hebert May 5, 2013

From the third annual Louisiana Queer Conference to the Bayou State’s first secular convention, the University’s LGBT and atheist students saw an increase in organized action within their communities...

SAE House

University reaches diversity and outreach goals, with lapses

By Camille Stelly May 5, 2013

Spring semester started with confirmation that Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity had been officially dismissed from campus until Jan. 1, 2015. Allegations began to swirl last November that SAE members were...

Dean Samuels, LSU's Dining and Marketing Director, demonstrates Friday, Jan. 11, how to use LSU's new dining app on a Kiosk in The 5. The app, which is exclusively available for Apple products, features a variety of options, including menus from LSU's dining halls, nutritional information, and an interactive map function. Students can now dowload the app from Apple's app store.

LSU Dining launches new apps, locations

By Zachery Carline May 5, 2013

From the introduction of two new apps allowing students to plan their meals and eat on the go, to the introduction of Sunset Diner after Taco Bell closed, LSU Dining has made significant strides to feed...

New African-American Cultural Center opens by bookstore

By Staff Reports May 2, 2013

The University will celebrate the opening of the new African-American Cultural Center with a ribbon cutting at 10 a.m. today. The center’s new location is 3 Union Square, the same site as the recently...

Associated Press/Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake, Bill Cooper - In this Dec. 15, 2009 publicity image released by Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake, the cast is shown from "Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake." Bourne's testosterone-heavy flock, presented in 3-D, swoops in to some 220 theaters nationwide on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake, Bill Cooper)

Swan Lake to be performed at LSU

By Staff Reports May 2, 2013

The acclaimed Russian National Ballet Theatre will perform “Swan Lake” at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the LSU Student Union Theater. According to 225 Magazine, this will be the first time the ballet...

A new time and new chimes for the University’s Memorial Tower

A new time and new chimes for the University’s Memorial Tower

By Gabrielle Braud May 2, 2013

Punctuality will take on a new meaning this finals week as the chimes of Memorial Tower echo more boldly and precisely across campus with the installment of new speakers and the replacement of the mechanism...

A Black Hawk helicopter touches down in Iraq. Two similar helicopters will land on campus today as part of a Bengal Raiders qualification course.

Black Hawk helicopters to land on LSU Soccer Fields

By McKenzie Womack May 2, 2013

The LSU Soccer Fields will become a landing zone at 11 a.m. today when the Bengal Raiders tactically storm the University.  Two Black Hawk helicopters will land on the field as part of a Bengal...

An officer drops off an obstacle Thursday, May 2, 2013 during the Mad March Racing intermediate class.

Baton Rouge hosts annual conference for bicycle officers

By Nicolas Cotten May 2, 2013

The LSU Police Department’s bicycle officers lost their training wheels this week. Baton Rouge hosted the Annual International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA) Conference on Thursday and...

The waterfowl hunting zones will be studied in a survey conducted by officials within the University’s School of Renewable Natural Resources for the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. The survey will help LDWF make decisions about next year’s regulations.

Annual waterfowl hunter survey available to hunters

By Jonathan Olivier May 2, 2013

Waterfowl hunters now have the opportunity to comment on several aspects of the 2012-13 duck season via the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Waterfowl Hunter Opinion Survey, which will be...

Reveille named best daily college paper

By Staff Reports May 1, 2013

The Daily Reveille was named the country’s Best All-Around Daily Student Newspaper on Wednesday by the Society of Professional Journalists in its national 2012 Mark of Excellence Awards. Along...