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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Barry May, an employee in the Facility Maintenance department, works on a set of keys on Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 at the LSU Office of Facility Services.

New key procedure meant for more security

By Gabrielle Braud January 24, 2013

In the wake of numerous school shootings and bomb threats, the University’s Facility Services department is taking steps to make the campus safer with a new procedure for issuing and keeping track...

Mental health regulation may not prevent gun violence

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz January 24, 2013

Mental health provisions in President Barack Obama’s executive order on gun control may not be as successful as planned, according to University faculty and students. In his address, Obama framed...

Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Georgetown sociology professor, speaks at the LSU Union Theatre on Monday, Jan. 23, 2013. Dr. Dyson is also an esteemed author, scholar and radio host.

Michael Eric Dyson speaks on campus

By Nicolas Cotten January 23, 2013

The widely known African-American cultural commentator Michael Eric Dyson brought his intellect and social consciousness to the University on Wednesday night during the Martin Luther King Jr. commencement...

New feedstock processing equipment sits outside Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013 at the Audubon Sugar Institute in St. Gabriel, La. The machine takes feedstock and turns it into syrup.

AgCenter biofuels pilot plant to open Friday

By Olivia McClure January 23, 2013

The LSU AgCenter’s new biofuels pilot plant will combine two of Louisiana’s sweetest ventures: sugarcane and fuel. The ribbon-cutting is slated for 10 a.m. Friday at the plant, which is located...

Panelists agree that writing is still key skill for aspiring journalists

By Luke Jones January 23, 2013

A panel of journalism experts, both academic and practicing, addressed the distance between preparation of journalism students for the professional world and the skills employers are seeking from graduates...

Business College masters programs rank in Eduniversal

By Shannon Roberts January 23, 2013

In rankings released by Eduniversal, the University’s E.J. Ourso College of Business found two of its master’s programs in the top 40 programs in North America, according to a news release. ...

UREC to host NIRSA conference

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz January 23, 2013

The University Student Recreational Complex will host the National Intramural Recreation Sports Association’s 2013 Region IV Student Lead On conference Thursday to Saturday to help students network...

Research series to launch tonight

By Shannon Roberts January 23, 2013

The University’s Honors College will present a three-part spring research series starting at 6 p.m. tonight in the West Laville library, said Associate Dean Granger Babcock. Associate professor...

Facility Service employees work to remove a partially fallen tree branch Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013, from North Stadium Road near Mike's habitat.

18-Wheeler stops traffic by PMAC

By Alyson Gaharan January 23, 2013

An 18-wheeler stopped traffic on North Stadium Drive Wednesday morning after hitting a low-hanging tree branch in front of the PMAC. The WYES production truck en route to the PMAC for a basketball game...

Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics increase presence on campus

By Erin Hebert January 22, 2013

The University’s Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics club is gearing up for its biggest semester yet, according to newly elected AHA president Chad Thibodeaux. Thibodeaux, a 27-year-old chemistry...

Kirby Smith renovations include carpeted floors, freshly painted walls, and new furniture for the rooms.

New hall to replace renovated Kirby Smith

By Zachery Carline January 22, 2013

Bids for the renovation of the Kirby Smith Residential Hall floors eight through 11 opened Tuesday with hopes of student availability by next fall. Director of Residential Life Steven Waller said the...

Opera students learn the way of the ‘artist citizen’ at CMS

By Luke Jones January 21, 2013

Efforts to promote creativity in communities have led to the development of the artist citizen. Vocal performance majors Natalie Logan and Ashley Dixon traveled Saturday and Sunday to attend the 2013...