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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Marquisa Davis, visiting chef from The 459 Commons, applies the finishing touches to her crab stuffed mushrooms with white wine cream sauce Thursday Nov. 8, 2012 in The 5 dining hall.

Visiting Chef program provides diverse menu items

By Caitlin McCord November 8, 2012

Students may notice unfamiliar faces serving food in the dining halls once or twice a month. LSU Dining created a Visiting Chef program three years ago that allows chefs from all dining locations on...

Leadership program gives students edge

By Luke Jones November 8, 2012

Campus Life has announced plans to upgrade Leading Edge, a leadership program designed for students seeking to improve their skills as part of its ongoing mission to improve student involvement. As a...

Health Care Services moves to Airline Highway office

By Juliann Allen November 8, 2012

LSU Health Care Services Division moved Sunday from Kirby-Smith Hall to the administrative business office on Airline Highway, leaving the residence hall’s ninth through 12th floors vacant after...

LSU hosts Preview Day for black males

By Wilborn Nobles III November 8, 2012

The University’s Black Male Leadership Initiative hosted its second annual LSU Preview Day on Wednesday to provide insight into college life for young black males as they explore their options after...

Cope: System meeting broke law

By Chris Grillot November 8, 2012

University Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope accused the LSU System this week of violating the Louisiana open meetings law when the Board of Supervisors “unexpectedly” voted to consolidate...

Tommy Mead, major senior, wheels through the Quad on October 17, 2012.

Not all University buildings up to code

By Danielle Kelley November 8, 2012

Sociology senior Tommy Mead has taken many tests throughout his college career, but not many can compare to the difficulty of his everyday test: getting around campus. Mead is one of many students with...

Kahlah Williams, Humanities and Social Sciences college council vice-president, speaks to the Student Government Senate Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012 in the Student Union Capital Chamber.

SG supports proposal for anti-plagiarism

By Wilborn Nobles III November 8, 2012

Student Government passed legislation at Wednesday’s weekly Senate meeting to officially show its support in favor of Faculty Senate’s resolution to establish a task force for investigation...

Alumnus donates $2 million to new energy law center

Alumnus donates $2 million to new energy law center

By Danielle Kelley November 7, 2012

After University and LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center alumnus John P. Laborde pledged to donate $2 million — the largest donation in the Law Center’s history — it was announced the new energy...

The parking garage is still under construction Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012.

Parking garage opening further postponed

By Ben Wallace November 7, 2012

The roughly 750-spot parking garage smack dab in the middle of the University’s campus will officially open in the upcoming spring semester, said Facility Services Planning, Design and Construction...

LSUPD dogs cool off in the shade of a tent on Tower Drive Wednesday afternoon.

LSUPD holds Public Safety Day

By Chris Grillot November 7, 2012

At least 700 students passed through a spectacle of motorcycles, mountain bikes and German Shepherds during the LSU Police Department’s Public Safety Day demonstration Wednesday. LSUPD exhibited...

Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré discusses points from his book, “How Being Prepared Can Keep You and Your Family Safe” Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012 with students in LSU's Manship School for Mass Communication.

Lt. Gen. Honoré speaks on leadership, media

By Chris Grillot November 7, 2012

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré spoke to a group of about 20 students on the importance of being prepared during crises Tuesday afternoon in them in the Manship School of Mass Communication’s...

PETA representative Michael Mullins holds a directional sign outside of the organization's educational tent Tuesday afternoon near the student union.

PETA exhibit exposes abuse

By Megan Dunbar November 6, 2012

University students were both disgusted and impressed by the various facts about animal processing at the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ Glass Walls Exhibit set up on Tower Drive on...