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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Traffic off campus blockades students

By Ben Wallace
Senior Contributing Writer
September 6, 2012

Three miles from campus doesn't sound far. But for residents of The Cottages and The Woodlands, the relatively new off-campus student housing developments sandwiched between Nicholson Drive and Burbank...

Israeli model and actress rallies support for imprisoned Gadhafi son

September 6, 2012

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - An imprisoned son of former Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi is getting help from an unlikely source: an Israeli actress and model who says she had a romantic relationship with him....

University celebrates semester at Harambee

Students from LSU, Southern University and Baton Rouge Community College watched dancers, listened to speeches about getting involved and celebrated the new semester on Thursday night at the African American...

District distributes survey on potential grocery store

By Ferris McDaniel
September 6, 2012

The Downtown Development District is currently conducting a survey to gather information and opinions from Baton Rouge residents about a potential grocery store in the city's downtown area. The survey...

Survey shows increase in jobs for mass communication grads

By Chet Hebert
Contributing Writer
September 6, 2012

College graduates who received bachelor degrees in journalism and mass communication in 2011 experienced a small improvement in the job market, according to the PEW Research Center. In the University of...

Board of Supervisors approves supplemental athletics funding for University

By Staff Reports
September 6, 2012

In an unprecedented move, the LSU System Board of Supervisors approved a measure at their Friday meeting that forces LSU Athletics to donate $36 million in supplemental funding to the LSU Baton Rouge campus...

Lovebugs adorn campus as hot weather continues

By Danielle Kelley
Contributing Writer
September 6, 2012

Students have swatted, slapped and struck lovebugs for the last couple of weeks and will be forced to continue tolerating the little black pests as the season nears its an end in September. Plecia nearctica,...

Cordina Daiq-Go-Ris, product of Big Easy Blends, offer a variety of flavors at Wal-Mart located at Highland and Lee. Big Easy Blends was started by Antonio LaMartina, Sal LaMartina, and LSU alum Craig Cordes.

University graduate helps create pouch cocktails

By Staff Writer September 6, 2012

Craig Cordes was home on holiday from his corporate finance job in 2007 when his high school friend Antonio LaMartina, presented him with a semi-outlandish proposal — Capri Sun-style alcoholic beverages. ...

Traffic backs up on Ben Hur Road around 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012.

Traffic off campus blockades students

By Senior Contributing Writer September 6, 2012

Three miles from campus doesn’t sound far. But for residents of The Cottages and The Woodlands, the relatively new off-campus student housing developments sandwiched between Nicholson Drive and...

Clumps of dead lovebugs decorate the front of a car Wednesday.

Lovebugs adorn campus as hot weather continues

By Contributing Writer September 6, 2012

Students have swatted, slapped and struck lovebugs for the last couple of weeks and will be forced to continue tolerating the little black pests as the season nears its an end in September. Plecia nearctica,...

Parking meters bring in nearly $350K last year

Parking meters bring in nearly $350K last year

By Senior Contributing Writer September 6, 2012

About $1,000 a day — that’s how much, on average, the University’s Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation earned on metered parking fees last year. “That’s a lot...

LSU powerlifter places fourth in weight class in competition in Poland

LSU powerlifter places fourth in weight class in competition in Poland

By Contributing Writer September 5, 2012

In a sport dominated by men, Kiela Badeaux proves she can pull her weight. After just four years of experience, LSU Powerlifting Club member Badeaux represented the United States at the Sub-Junior/Junior...