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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Students conduct eye health study

By Taylor Schoen
Contributing Writer
June 11, 2012

Imagine not being able to see clearly through the center segment of your field of vision. This is the reality for many people living with a condition called age-related macular degeneration, but members...

Water activities bring new trends to LSU Lakes

As the summer heat weighs heavy on runners and cyclists, more people are turning to the water in both conventional and unconventional ways. Outdoor activities have taken float with more people canoeing,...

Both small, large arts support groups suffer cuts

By Taylor Balkom
Staff Writer
June 11, 2012

The University isn't the only thing to be affected by next year's budget. Decentralized Arts Funding (DAF) and Statewide Arts Grants (SAG) for the state were cut to $1 million each, down from the $2.5...

Power House keeps University cool

June 11, 2012

Even on the hottest days, the team at the Power House keeps campus cool and comfortable. The Power House, first erected in the 1920s, does exactly what its name says - produces power. It's operated by...

Board contemplates how to deal with cuts, ensure sound future

By Joshua Bergeron
Staff Writer
June 7, 2012

Concern about how to handle the LSU System's future dominated Friday's Board of Supervisors meeting. The afternoon began with Integrated Committee meetings, the first of which was an update on the efforts...

Jindal appoints campaign contributors to LSU Board of Supervisors

By Joshua Bergeron
Staff Writer
June 7, 2012

With a Board of Supervisors meeting looming, Gov. Bobby Jindal appointed former state Sen. Ann Duplessis and Rolfe McCollister, a Jindal campaign contributor, to the LSU Board of Supervisors on Thursday....

Awareness can lessen accidents on campus

By Kristen Frank
Contributing Writer
June 6, 2012

Of the on-campus traffic accidents in 2012, 20 out of 194 involved a pedestrian or someone riding a bicycle, according to LSU Police Department spokesman Cory Lalonde. This means nearly 10 percent of crashes...

Concealed gun bill to come to vote

By Joshua Bergeron
Staff Writer
June 6, 2012

With the legislative session complete, a Nov. 6 vote is the only obstacle preventing Louisiana Senate Bill 303 from being passed. The Louisiana State House approved Sen. Neil Riser's SB 303 on May 29 in...

School of Veterinary Medicine uses various animals in interactive education program

By Taylor Schoen
Contributing Writer
June 6, 2012

The LSU School of Veterinary Medicine kicked off its annual summer program Pets & Vets this week. Pets & Vets is an educational lecture program that invites the public, particularly children, to...

Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope talks with The Daily Reveille in his office May 31.

Cope: University budget the number one issue

By Joshua Bergeron
Staff Writer
June 5, 2012

After releasing the Faculty Senate Newsletter on May 30, Kevin Cope took time to speak with The Daily Reveille about some issues the Faculty Senate is keeping an eye on during the summer term. The Daily...

Campus Crime Briefs – 6/07/12

By Staff Reports
June 5, 2012

Man arrested for intent to distribute Erick A. Duarte, 22, of 37030 N. Millstone Drive, Geismar, La., was arrested May 25 for possession of a substance believed to be marijuana and intent to distribute,...

Student Government discusses future of student dining

By Kristen Frank
Contributing Writer
June 4, 2012

Student Government addressed concerns about changes in student meal plans and other issues Monday night. The first order of business was to elect a committee chair, who will run meetings, run and present...