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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Faculty Senate to meet today – 11:40 p.m.

By Jake Most
Contributing Writer
February 18, 2010

The Faculty Senate will meet at 3 p.m. in the senate chambers of the Student Union. The meeting will include President Kevin Cope's monthly report and remarks by University of New Orleans Professor Steven...

LSU football team participates in BuddyBall program

By Catherine Threlkeld
Staff Writer
February 18, 2010

Tiger football players usually play teams like the Florida Gators and Alabama Tide, but this weekend they had a different matchup.People with disabilities from group homes across Louisiana took on the...

SG Senate eliminates Trial Court

By Catherine Threlkeld
Staff Writer
February 18, 2010

The Student Government Senate voted Wednesday to eliminate SG's Trial Court as a part of constitutional revisions.The Trial Court was part of SG's judicial branch and could deem SG actions as constitutional...

Program to help relationships

By Sabrina Trahan
Contributing Writer
February 18, 2010

The Student Activities Board will host Love G.E.A.R.S., an interactive relationship show, tonight in the Union Ballroom from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. The show will feature Grant Edmonds, an entertainer and the...

Campus Crime Briefs: 1/18/10

February 18, 2010

ALUMNA FORGES HEALTH CENTER PRESCRIPTIONAlice Maria Figueroa, a 22-year-old former University student of 8625 Polk Road in Abbeville, La., was arrested Feb. 11 for possession of schedule II and IV narcotics.Her...

Man impersonates LSU police officer in Student Union

By Ryan Buxton
Senior Staff Writer
February 18, 2010

An unidentified man who claimed to be an LSU Police Department officer and robbed a student on campus remains at large, and police are asking for help in identifying the suspect by releasing pictures of...

Agreement with new educational hospital delayed – 11:43 a.m.

By Grace Montgomery
Staff Writer
February 18, 2010

Legislative leaders decided to push back the decision to close the deal between the University's Health Systems and Our Lady of the Lake Hospital. The agreement would move the University's graduate medical...

Lent allows Christians to refocus after holiday

By Mary Walker Baus
Contributing Writer
February 17, 2010

On Ash Wednesday, many Christians trade their beads and Mardi Gras bellies for religious sacrificing and fasting in honor of  the season of Lent. "The purpose [of Lent] is for spiritual renewal,"...

Teens likely to use Facebook

By Grace Montgomery
Staff Writer
February 12, 2010

Teens are more likely to use Facebook than Twitter, according to a study released last week by the Pew Internet and American Life Project.The Pew group found 73 percent of teens are using some kind of...

Student flips car

By Adam Duvernay
News Editor
February 12, 2010

A University student flipped her car and suffered minor injuries after crashing into an Easy Streets gate arm Thursday night. Meghan McElwee, kinesiology senior, was returning to campus on North Stadium...

Females donate eggs to make extra cash

By Elizabeth Chamberlain
Contributing Writer
February 12, 2010

Students are looking for creative means to supplement their incomes in the face of increasing tuition and living costs.  Egg donor programs offer up to $10,000 for one egg donation cycle and are one...

Festival benefits New Orleans with direct economic impact of $145.7M

By Mary Walker Baus
Contributing Writer
February 12, 2010

Black and gold will morph into purple, green and gold as the celebrations continue in Louisiana for Mardi Gras. A study on the economic impact of the 2009 Mardi Gras season found the celebration resulted...