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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



International Cultural Center to host garden groundbreaking

By Adam Duvernay
News Editor
December 7, 2009

Groundbreaking ceremonies for the Komma and Allam Remembrance Garden will be held Sunday, Dec. 13 at 4 p.m. in the International Cultural Center. The ceremony will involve unveiling plans for the garden...

School of Social Work develops minor, grad programs

By Sarah Lawson
Contributing Writer
December 6, 2009

The School of Social Work established three major programs this semester, all to take effect next fall.The 73-year-old school will implement an undergraduate social work minor, a graduate gerontology certificate...

AT&T continues to expand network on campus, in Baton Rouge

By Mary Walker Baus
Staff Writer
December 6, 2009

A common theme on LSU game days this season besides food, fun and football was tricky cell phone reception."It's dangerous [to not be able to make calls] because there were so many people [on campus tailgating],"...

Vet school maintains quality despite budget cuts

By Sarah Eddington
Contributing Writer
December 6, 2009

Despite budget cuts this semester, Dean Peter Haynes of the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine said in August that he was determined to maintain the school's quality.The semester started with a $750 tuition...

Furloughs, spring break discussed during semester

By Sarah Eddington
Contributing Writer
December 6, 2009

Chancellor Michael Martin said he was determined to ensure the continuing quality and commitment to academic excellence despite the University's current economic situation at this semester's first Faculty...

Martin provides ways to keep LSU involved

By Ryan Buxton
Staff Writer
December 6, 2009

Chancellor Michael Martin is constantly working to preserve the quality of an LSU education. But his secondary task of communicating to the students, faculty, staff and all members of the University community...

Bike safety promoted throughout semester

The number of bikers traveling through campus increased this semester, while the University promoted bike usage and safety.Easy Streets Phase I reduced traffic between 30 and 62 percent on roads throughout...

Construction on the Union will continue into the spring semester with Tiger Lair renovations. Most of the third floor meeting rooms have already been completed.

Tiger Lair renovations to begin during winter break

By Steven Powell
Contributing Writer
December 6, 2009

With the fall semester coming to a close, the LSU Student Union is beginning to repair the Tiger Lair food court as renovations to the second and third floors near completion. Shirley Plakidas, Student...

Commission reviews efficiency of higher education systems

By Kyle Bove
Senior Staff Writer
December 6, 2009

The Louisiana Postsecondary Education Review Commission met several times during the fall semester and made several recommendations that could shape the future of higher education in Louisiana. The Commission...

H1N1 battle coming to close

By Adam Duvernay
Senior Staff Writer
December 6, 2009

Just as the rest of the nation had to contend with a rampant new strain of influenza this year, the University is just now reaching the endgame of the battle. When the H1N1 virus made its first appearance...

Exec. staff completes 14 of 34 initiatives on pushcard

By Xerxes A. Wilson
Staff Writer
December 6, 2009

Moving into the last semester of their administration, Student Government President Stuart Watkins and Vice President Martina Scheuermann completed 14 of the 34 items on their campaign pushcard and conceded...

La. politicians find a voice, Senate race heats up

By Nate Monroe
Contributing Writer
December 6, 2009

Politics is a never-ending push and pull, but the events that have unfolded during the fall semester give even the rough and unforgiving game of politics — nationally and locally — a new lease...