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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Students build canned-food structures

By Ryan Buxton
Staff Writer
November 13, 2009

The University's Homecoming festivities have a service component every year, but organizers decided to make it bigger for the celebration's 100th anniversary.The typical canned good collection was beefed...

University welcomes second Cain Chair professor in chemical engineering – 11:45 a.m.

LSU welcomes Krishnaswamy Nandakumar, the second Gordon A. and Mary Cain Chair Professor in Chemical Engineering, according to a University news release.Previously, Nandakumar served two years as the GASCO...

LSU women’s basketball coach Van Chancellor hands out T-shirts on a Tiger Trails bus Wednesday afternoon to encourage students to come to games.

Chancellor visits with students on bus

By Brianna Paciorka
Contributing Writer
November 12, 2009

Students riding on the Tiger Trails buses Tuesday morning received T-shirts, trail mix and laughs when LSU women's basketball coach Van Chancellor hopped on board to encourage students to ride the buses...

Brown pelicans off endangered list

By Adam Duvernay
Senior Staff Writer
November 12, 2009

After almost 40 years of struggling for survival, the earliest symbol of Louisiana was recently removed from the federal list of endangered species.The population of brown pelicans, Louisiana's state bird,...

Martin supports merit-based TOPS

By Ryan Buxton
Staff Writer
November 12, 2009

As the University keeps one eye on current budgetary uncertainty, the other is on the future, Chancellor Michael Martin said at a Faculty Senate-sponsored Chancellor Forum on Wednesday.Martin answered...

Yale professor to speak in Hill Memorial Library – 11:50 a.m.

By Adam Duvernay
Senior staff writer
November 12, 2009

Yale Professor Bryan Garsten will deliver a lecture on campus on Nov. 12 at 3 p.m. entitled "Who Speaks for the People? A Problem of Democratic Leadership."The lecture will be held in the Hill Memorial...

More than 50 participants at Block and Bridle annual rodeo

By Mary Walker Baus
Staff Writer
November 12, 2009

The intriguing smell of horse manure and chewing tobacco emanated inside the John M. Parker Coliseum on Thursday as the Block and Bridle student organization's annual rodeo bucked off to a good start.More...

Internet will prove problematic for future candidates

By Steven Powell
Contributing Writer
November 12, 2009

Student Government President Stuart Watkins said he tries to hold himself accountable and cautious of his actions during the Internet media age."Young individuals need to watch what they do," he said....

Lawyer: Colo. ‘Balloon boy’ parents to plead guilty

By The Associated Press
November 12, 2009

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) — The parents accused of pulling a spectacular hoax by reporting that their 6-year-old son had floated away aboard a helium balloon agreed to plead guilty in a deal that...

Da Future to perform at step show

By Jake Clapp
Entertainment Writer
November 12, 2009

It takes a lot to get noticed in the music industry. When hip-hop and rap artists are a dime a dozen, breaking into the industry takes talent, good business sense and a little bit of luck. These are lessons...

University libraries receive $31,000 donation – 2:20 p.m.

By Xerxes Wilson
Staff writer
November 12, 2009

University libraries are receiving a $31,000 donation to support an exhibit on the history of birds in neotropical ecological zones, according to a University press release The donation came from the Coypu...

Study shows yoga helps battle eating disorders

By Mary Walker Baus
Staff Writer
November 12, 2009

Amanda Gonzalez sits in perfect posture waiting for her class to settle into position. Gonzalez, yoga instructor at Yoga Bliss on Highland Road, soothingly tells her students to root themselves to the...