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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Lombardi suggests tuition raise, TOPS reform

By Kyle Bove
Senior Staff Writer
October 26, 2009

LSU System President John Lombardi presented his blueprint for dealing with higher education budget cuts to the Louisiana Postsecondary Education Review Commission on Monday and left members with a string...

Clock ticking on Democrats’ health care reform – 12:15 p.m.

October 26, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — Time growing short, Democratic leaders in the House and Senate still face key decisions if they are to achieve President Barack Obama's goal of passing legislation to remake the...

Lindsey Hopton, mass communication junior, studies for an economics test Oct. 19 in the Quad. The University has been seeing a rise in percentage of A’s awarded to students.

Grade inflation may be rising problem at LSU

By Olga Kourilova
Contributing Writer
October 26, 2009

Editor's note: A list of the percent of A's awarded per college during spring 2009 may be found at the end of this article. Chelsea Alford sits near her note-scattered coffee table with a book and...

La. economic report projects improvement for 2010-11

By By Nate Monroe
Contributing Writer
October 25, 2009

A Louisiana Economic Outlook report forecasts a sunnier job market in 2010 and 2011 than the current year — but one author of the report doesn't expect that to change Louisiana's poor migration pattern.Louisiana...

Matt Wyatt, natural resource ecology and management sophomore and ECO at LSU co-vice president, juggles between helping out with the green tailgate before the Auburn game Saturday.

Tailgating festivities overshadow ECO’s goals

By By Mary Walker Baus
Staff Writer
October 25, 2009

Mother Nature lost to the tailgaters Saturday.Even though the Environmental Conservation Organization at LSU handed out 200 blue recycling bags to tailgaters during the day as a part of's International...

University works on developing four new degree programs

By By Ryan Buxton
Staff Writer
October 25, 2009

The University is creating four new interdisciplinary programs organizers say will raise the University's profile as a leading research school.The programs — doctoral programs in materials science...

Memorial gathering held for professor

By Kyle Bove
Senior Staff Writer
October 25, 2009

When Jim Hausey and his younger brother Bobby were children, Bobby once got more attention from a kind stranger in a waiting room, prompting Jim to jealously exclaim, "There are two of we!" "I just always...

Watkins to attend Tucker Commission

By Xerxes A. Wilson
Staff Writer
October 25, 2009

Possible fee increases will be on the mind of Student Government President Stuart Watkins as he attends the Postsecondary Education Review Commission Meeting — also known as the Tucker Commission...

La. initial jobless claims drop slightly – 11:45 a.m.

By The Associated Press
October 23, 2009

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — First-time claims for jobless benefits dropped slightly last week in Louisiana. The Louisiana Workforce Commission says, that for the week ending Oct. 17, there were 4,771...

Tuition gap could mean fee increase

By Ryan Buxton
Staff Writer
October 23, 2009

University students' wallets may feel a little fuller than those of students from other schools, but that doesn't mean their brains are emptier.A new study by the College Board, a not-for-profit association...

Vet school receives $1.48 million in federal stimulus funding

By Sarah Eddington
Contributing Writer
October 23, 2009

New and continuing research opportunities are taking place at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine thanks to eight grants from the National Institute of Health, which brought in $1.48 million in federal...

Strong earthquake strikes Afghanistan and Pakistan

October 23, 2009

KABUL (AP) — A strong earthquake centered in the towering Hindu Kush mountains shook a wide area of eastern Afghanistan and Pakistan early Friday, swaying buildings in the Afghan and Pakistani capitals....