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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



University thanks Sen. Mary Landrieu – 11:45 a.m.

By Lindsey Meaux
Senior Staff Writer
October 5, 2009

The University expressed appreciation Friday for Sen. Mary Landrieu's hospitality for organizing a visit to Washington, D.C., for the LSU baseball team, according to a University news release. The baseball...

University to host kickoff for new Louisiana business initiative – 2:15 p.m.

By Sarah Lawson
Contributing Writer
October 5, 2009

The University will host the kickoff for Louisiana Economic Development's new business strategy, Blue Ocean, on Oct. 15 in Pleasant Hall. "What is Blue Ocean Strategy and How to Make it Work for You" opens...

Grand Isle trying to replace a historic fishing bridge – 2:10 p.m.

By Associated Press
October 5, 2009

GRAND ISLE, La. (AP) — It was bad news, and it traveled fast. Most of the southern end of the old bridge at Grand Isle, a wooden-piling structure converted into the state's first saltwater fishing...

Fla. campus locked down after report of gunman – 2 p.m.

By Associated Press
October 5, 2009

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — The University of South Florida's Tampa campus has been locked down after someone called to report a man with a gun outside the school's library. An alert posted on the school's...

Louisiana Democratic Party files complaint against Vitter – 2:24 p.m.

By Kyle Bove
Senior Staff Writer
October 5, 2009

The Louisiana Democratic Party filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission today, claiming Sen. David Vitter illegally accepted a $5,000 campaign contribution. According to a Democratic Party...

University high-tech learning project to aid in middle school science – 10:30 a.m.

By Sarah Lawson
Contributing Writer
October 5, 2009

A new interactive science learning technology for middle school students is in the works through a collaboration of the College of Art and Design, the Center for Computation and Technology and the LSU...

Louisiana Book Festival scheduled for Oct. 17 – 11:40 a.m.

By Lindsey Meaux
Senior Staff Writer
October 5, 2009

The Louisiana Book Festival, which will feature several authors with ties to the University, alumni, faculty and staff, will be held Oct. 17 at 10 a.m. in the State Library of Louisiana, the Louisiana...

White House sees progress from talks with Iran

By Steven R. Hurst
The Associated Press
October 5, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House said Sunday it sees signs of progress in confronting Iran's nuclear program while members of Congress endorsed authorizing tougher U.S. economic penalties against...

Democrats question Vitter contributions

By The Associated Press
October 5, 2009

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Louisiana Democrats have accused GOP Sen. David Vitter of accepting campaign money illegally funneled to him by a former Mississippi congressman through a political action committee...

AP Source: Obama to speak to gay audience – 11:30 a.m.

By Associated Press
October 5, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — A person familiar with President Barack Obama's schedule says he plans to speak to a gay rights dinner on Saturday, the eve of a march demanding equality for gays and lesbians. This...

Police investigate reports kittens thrown from car – 11:30 a.m.

By Associated Press
October 5, 2009

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Police are investigating reports that a motorist tossed kittens from a vehicle on the Westbank Expressway. Crescent City Connection police said in a news release that they received...

Students interrupted by fire drill at Middleton Library – 2:44 p.m.

By Xerxes A. Wilson
Staff Writer
October 5, 2009

The fire alarm which took place today at 1:45 p.m. in Middleton Library was a drill, said Andrena Keesee, facility manager for Middleton Library.The library performs the drill twice per year at random...