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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Jindal draws attention from Republicans for 2012 election

By Adam Duvernay
Senior Staff Writer
September 24, 2009

As the Republican Party struggles to discover a new identity while Democrats hold power, attention is already focused on the potential candidates for the 2012 presidential election.A Sept. 17 straw poll...

Live Oak Lounge ‘clear winner’

By Steven Powell
Contributing Writer
September 24, 2009

The Student Union held the grand opening ceremony of the first floor lounge Wednesday afternoon, announcing the anticipated final name for the new first-floor area."This is officially the Live Oak Lounge,"...

Health Center stops testing for H1N1

By Adam Duvernay
Senior Staff Writer
September 23, 2009

The Student Health Center recently stopped testing students for the H1N1 virus and will no longer track the number of individual cases on campus.Testing students for the virus has become unproductive,...

Ex-girlfriend: Yale murder suspect was controlling – 9:50 a.m.

By The Associated Press
September 23, 2009

NEW YORK (AP) — A former high school girlfriend of a Yale lab technician charged with murder said Wednesday he was extremely controlling — that he told her what clothes she could wear, where...

Jindal urges expansion of offshore drilling – 9:45 a.m.

By The Associated Press
September 23, 2009

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Gov. Bobby Jindal is urging the Minerals Management Service to expand offshore drilling, but to also pay Louisiana more to fix the damage offshore drilling has caused to the...

Karla Delgado, computer engineering freshman, drinks a coke on Tuesday. A proposed sugary beverage tax could increase soft drink prices a cent per ounce.

Health policy report promotes tax on sugary beverages

By Mary Walker Baus
Staff Writer
September 23, 2009

Karla Delgado said she enjoys having a regular Coca-Cola every day, but the computer engineering freshman said she may not be able to enjoy her fizzy fix as often if prices in soft drinks rise.On Sept....

Death toll at 10 as Southeast floods start to ebb – 9:50 a.m.

By The Associated Press
September 23, 2009

AUSTELL, Ga. (AP) — As floodwaters around Atlanta began to recede, residents were packing moving vans with furniture and commiserating about water-logged homes. "I'm toast," Penny Freeman, who moved...

End of industrial engineering degree proposed

By Kyle Bove
Senior Staff Writer
September 23, 2009

College of Engineering Dean Richard Koubek recently requested the University terminate its industrial engineering program in 2012. Koubek, who is an industrial engineer himself, said he and the engineering...

Raising Cane’s founder to speak at entrepreneurship event – 10:25 a.m.

By Ryan Buxton
Staff Writer
September 23, 2009

Raising Cane's founder Todd Graves will speak at the kick-offevent for the Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute fellows programtoday. Graves will speak about his successes in business and give advice...

University retention rates increasing, still lower than peers – 12:10 p.m.

By Emily Holden
Contributing Writer
September 23, 2009

University retention rates have increased steadily since 1987. About 58.9 percent of the 2002 freshman class graduated within six years -- an almost 20 percent increase, from 39.4 percent, since the 1987...

ROTC training 150 future officers

By Adam Duvernay
Senior Staff Writer
September 23, 2009

Following the surrender of the Confederate Army, two captured Confederate cannons were gifted to campus from the University's first superintendent, Col. William Tecumseh Sherman. The cannons remain outside...

Student Union holds grand opening – 3 p.m.

By Steven Powell
Contributing Writer
September 23, 2009

The LSU Student Union will hold its Grand Opening today from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the first floor of the Union. Union officials will cut the ribbon to officially complete Phase I of construction at 3:30...