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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



‘Name That Space’ campaign ends

By Brianna Paciorka
Contributing Writer
September 13, 2009

More than 3,300 students took the opportunity to help "name that space" by voting Sept. 8 to 11 on a new name for the temporarily named Live Oak Lounge in the Student Union.The space's current name —...

White House: Iran talks should focus on nuclear program

By The Associated Press
September 13, 2009

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The White House said Saturday that international talks with Iran should focus on the country's nuclear program, a topic Tehran had ruled off limits until its foreign minister opened...

Gabe Harrell, digital services associate with LSU Libraries’ Special Collections division, uses an overhead digital scanner to capture the image of a full-sized newsprint page. The project is a result of a two-year grant from the National Endowment for Humanities.

Library of Congress project to digitize historic newspapers

By Ryan Buxton
Staff Writer
September 13, 2009

Louisiana newspaper pages from as early as 1860 will appear in a place their original journalists never knew would exist — the Internet.LSU Libraries is teaming with the Library of Congress on a...

Rep. Wilson: Pres. Obama won’t get a second apology

By The Associated Press
September 13, 2009

WASHINGTON — One apology is enough, a digging-in-his heels Rep. Joe Wilson said Sunday, challenging Democratic leaders who want him to say on the House floor that he's sorry for yelling "You lie!"...

Two students bring diversity to fraternity life

People love to see black and white but hate to see grey, according to Darek Jackson.Jackson, political science senior, speaks from experience as the only white member of the University's chapter of Iota...

Psychology junior Annie Gullickson (left) and criminal justice junior Kelly Wilson (right) discuss their experience as exchange students.

NSE a cheaper alternative to studying abroad

By Mary Walker Baus
Staff Writer
September 13, 2009

Louisiana is known for its heat and humidity, but rarely do those features attract visitors.But basking in the heat and avoiding the snow are some of the reasons Kelly Wilson and Annie Gullickson chose...

Students make use of money-saving resources

By Sarah Lawson
Contributing Writer
September 13, 2009

To see a video of how students are saving money, click here.Some use coupons, some sell their clothes and some show up at friends' houses in time for dinner.However they do it, students are finding ways...

US Muslims: Fear builds each 9/11

By The Associated Press
September 11, 2009

NEW YORK (AP) — There is the dread of leaving the house that morning. People might stare, or worse, yell insults.Prayers are more intense, visits with family longer. Mosques become a refuge.Eight...

Furlough prop. sparks debate

By Sarah Eddington
Contributing Writer
September 11, 2009

A resolution proposing an elective furlough plan sparred debate at the Faculty Senate meeting Thursday night, causing senate members to table the discussion until November. The state government asked the...


Professor helps Haitian farmers

By Olga Kourilova
Contributing Writer
September 11, 2009

Burning trash piles, fully uniformed United Nations soldiers holding machine guns and high levels of air pollution welcomed LSU AgCenter assistant professor David Weindorf on his recent trip to Haiti.Weindorf...

Dr. Linda Moorhouse, Associate Director of Bands, Frank Wicks, Director of Bands, and Roy King Assistant Director of Bands accept their award during the Golden Band from Tiger Lands induction into the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame, Friday afternoon September 11th.

Band inducted to La. Hall of Fame

By Adam Duvernay
Senior Staff Writer
September 11, 2009

There are plenty of exciting things about Tiger football — not the least of which is the explosive sound of nationally acclaimed Golden Band from Tiger Land.The band will add to its acclaim during...

LSUHSC receives $220,000 grant from Patrick F. Taylor Foundation – 12:40 p.m.

The Patrick F. Taylor Foundation awarded a $220,000 grant to The Department of Genetics at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Medicine. The grant will fund two medical research programs for...