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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



University professor finds new explanation for dunes formation on Saturn’s largest moon – 11:50 a.m.

By Adam Duvernay
Senior Staff Writer
August 26, 2009

University Department of Geography and Anthropology chair Patrick Hesp and United States Geological Survey scientist David Rubin recently published a controversial paper which examines a possible new mechanism...

Fla. gay adoption ban goes to appeals court – 11:30 a.m.

By Associated Press
August 26, 2009

MIAMI (AP) — A Florida appeals court is being urged to affirm a judge's ruling that the state's strict ban on adoptions by gay people is unconstitutional. Attorneys for parent Martin Gill and his...

Rabalais to be LSUPD chief

By Kyle Bove
Senior Staff Writer
August 26, 2009

Gary Durham, executive director of public safety and interim chief of LSUPD, will retire from the University on December 31, Chancellor Michael Martin announced recently.Maj. Lawrence Rabalais took over...

New signs posted on campus

By Kyle Bove
Senior Staff Writer
August 26, 2009

To see a video of the new signs and what some students think about them, click here.Thirteen purple and gold "mock-up" signs were scattered throughout campus last week, stirring up conversation among University...

Obama mourns Kennedy, greatest senator of our time – 11:10 a.m.

By Associated Press
August 26, 2009

CHILMARK, Mass. (AP) — A grieving President Barack Obama paid tribute to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy Wednesday, calling him a colleague, counselor and friend who etched his place in history as a "singular...

Library forced to make changes

By Adam Duvernay
Senior Staff Writer
August 26, 2009

Related Articles:Middleton Library to stay open until 2 a.m.  - 10/2/08Middleton Library to remain open until 2 a.m. starting Sunday - 10/2/08Middleton ends extended hours trial period  - 11/3/08Extended...

Union hosts breakfast in support of Name this Space – 11:40 a.m.

By Steven Powell
Contributing Writer
August 26, 2009

The Student Union hosted a free breakfast for students this morning to support the Name this Space Campaign. Union officials are taking suggested names to name the new lounge on the Union's first floor,...

Louisiana corporation to pledge gift to Forever LSU, College of Engineering – 11:45 a.m

By Brianna Paciorka
Contributing Writer
August 26, 2009

Louisiana engineering corporation CSRS Inc. will pledge a gift supporting the Forever LSU campaign and the LSU College of Engineering on Thursday, Aug. 27, at 9:30 a.m. at the Lod Cook Alumni Center. An...

University professors publish study analyzing business operations in wake of Katrina – 12:10 p.m.

By Lindsey Meaux
Senior Staff Writer
August 26, 2009

University professors, in conjunction with professors from other area universities, published a study analyzing the return of New Orleans businesses in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, according to a University...

H1N1 spreads through Southeastern Conference

By Adam Duvernay
Senior Staff Writer
August 26, 2009

Universities in the Southeastern Conference share a number of important aspects of college life — a love of athletics, a unique Southern culture, a standard of academic achievement and as of recently,...

Law Center to hold memorial service for deceased professor – 11:50 a.m.

By Katie Kennedy
News editor
August 26, 2009

An informal memorial service for recently deceased Law Center professor Susan Kalinka will be held this Saturday at 12 p.m in the Law Center's Tucker room. The Law Center reports numerous inquiries concerning...

Students paying higher UREC fees this semester – 12 p.m.

By Steven Powell
Contributing Writer
August 26, 2009

This semester students are paying more for use of the University Student Recreational Complex, as the UREC increased the student fee this summer. The UREC raised its student fee from $45 a semester to...