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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Ceremony set to honor LSU president-emeritus – 12 p.m.

By Ryan Buxton
Contributing Writer
April 21, 2009

A casual country lunch to honor LSU President Emeritus William Jenkins and his contributions to two popular University museums will be held May 3 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The lunch will be hosted by...

Alternative Energy 2009 event takes place tomorrow – 12:35 p.m.

By Steven Powell
Contributing Writer
April 21, 2009

The LSU Center for Energy Studies is hosting Alternative Energy 2009 conference tomorrow, at the Woods Auditorium. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and sessions run from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., followed by...

Campus Crime Briefs

April 21, 2009

UNIVERSITY STUDENT ARRESTED FOR DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATEDLSU Police Department officers arrested a University student April 14 at about 2:30 a.m. for driving while intoxicated and improper lane usage.Officers...

New proposal aims to revise W policy – 11:40 a.m.

By Ryan Buxton
Contributing Writer
April 21, 2009

Calling the University's current policy on class withdrawals too rigid, a new proposal seeks to revise the policy to allow for more flexibility with W's. Student Government created the proposal and it's...

Rebecca Scott, a Guggenheim scholar and University Medal recipient, spoke Tuesday at the Chancellor’s Lectureship Series in the Dalton J. Woods Auditorium.

Prestigious scholar visits LSU

By Lindsey Meaux
Staff Writer
April 21, 2009

From the depths of enslavement in 19th century Africa to the struggle to bring civil rights to Louisiana as a black man in the 1860s, the journey of Edouard Tinchant's family captivated about 100 attendees...

Landrieu confirmed as keynote speaker

By Kyle Bove
Chief Staff Writer
April 21, 2009

Sen. Mary Landrieu will be the keynote speaker at the 2009 spring commencement ceremony Friday, May 15 at 9 a.m. in the PMAC. "I am truly honored to share this special day with 2009 graduates and their...

Baton Rouge ranked in Forbes magazine’s best places for jobs – 11:35 a.m.

By Joy Lukachick
Contributing Writer
April 21, 2009

Baton Rouge has ranked among the 30 best places in the United States for jobs, along with three other Louisiana cities, according to Forbes Magazine. Houma-Thibodaux was ranked fourth, Lafayette was 14th,...

Lawsuit against US Corps underway in N.O.

By Joy Lukachick
Staff Writer
April 21, 2009

A trial that could affect thousands of New Orleans residents whose homes were flooded after Hurricane Katrina began Monday at the New Orleans Federal Court.  The case – known as the MR-GO lawsuit...

Two Southeastern University students’ bodies found – 11:30 a.m.

By Associated Press
April 21, 2009

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Police have charged a man in the weekend kidnapping of a man and woman whose bodies were found Monday inside an abandoned house in a section of New Orleans east of the Mississippi...

The Pentagon to host “Pie your RA” tonight – 11:15 a.m.

By Alice Womble
Contributing Writer
April 21, 2009

Residential Hall occupants will have the chance to pie their RAs tonight. The event will be held in the Pentagon courtyard from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and is free to attend. In addition to pieing RAs, there...

Chancellor’s Distinguished Lectureship Series to be held today – 12:15 p.m.

By Lindsey Meaux
Contributing Writer
April 21, 2009

Rebecca J. Scott, University of Michigan professor, is scheduled to speak today at 2:30 p.m. in the Energy, Coast & Environment Building as part of the Chancellor's Distinguished Lectureship Series. The...

La. casinos take in $218 million in March – 11:20 a.m.

By Associated Press
April 21, 2009

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana's state-licensed casinos won $218 million from gamblers in March, a drop from both the previous month and March 2008. State police say the 13 riverboats won about...