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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



French Quarter Café replaced Quiznos in the Student Union's Tiger Lair in fall 2012.

Letter to the Editor: Campus dining options too limited

By Qin-Qin Lü July 17, 2013

Currently, dining options on campus are limited. Most food vendors, mainly fast food chains, concentrate in the Student Union, and a few dining halls and sandwich kiosks scatter the campus. Thousands of...

Letter to the Editor: Farm bill outdated, unnecessary piece of legislation

By Joe Bialek June 12, 2013

With all the debate recently for amending the United States Constitution in favor of certain issues and/or those constituencies, perhaps a more appropriate amendment should guarantee each citizen of the...

Letter to the Editor: Earth Day promotes environmental quality

By Shantericka Johnson April 22, 2013

Being from Texas, this was my first time attending Louisiana’s Earth Day festivities. It was nice to see so many people come out to support the preservation of the environment. People of all ages...

Letter to the Editor: We cannot settle for less than $1.05 tobacco tax increase

By Judith Sylvester April 16, 2013

As the founder of SmokingWords at LSU, I am asking the campus community to support increasing the state tobacco tax by $1.05. A rally to show support for the tax and continued funding for cancer-related...

Opinion: Traditional marriage is not dead

By Destin R. Sensky April 15, 2013

Breakdown and Critique of The Daily Reveille’s Opinion Article, “Traditional Marriage is Dead” by Parker Cramer, Tuesday, 26 March, 2013: I think it's interesting this person titles...

Letter to the Editor: Changes in LSU faculty no cause for alarm

I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at the seemingly alarming array of pictures—including my own – on the front page of today’s Reveille, “15 Gone and Counting.” I certainly...

Letter to the Editor: I have a mental illness. There, I said it.

It has taken quite some time to utter that statement without hanging my head in shame. While I was always on the nervous side, the severity and frequency of my anxious feelings became overwhelming during...

Letter to the Editor: Educate, don’t indoctrinate

I love listening to the crazies rant in both political parties. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said the Affordable Care Act was derived from “Adolf Hitler’s playbook,” while MSNBC’s...

Opinion: Law school column neither fair nor accurate

The headline on John Polivka’s Feb. 21 column, “LSU Law School crumbling from pedestal,” was neither supported by the text of the column nor otherwise fair or accurate. Although it is...

Opinion: Banter between organizations must be stopped

By Kolby Lirette February 5, 2013

Can’t we all just get along? I don’t really understand what it is about Louisiana culture that prevents us from doing so… perhaps it’s something in the water? From a student’s...

Letter to the Editor: Reveille wrong in criticism of University leadership

By Herb Vincent, Associate Vice Chancellor January 22, 2013

In the column “We’re ashamed of LSU’s leadership,” it is disappointing the Reveille chose to levy unsubstantiated accusations at the LSU administration rather than engage in a fact-based...

Misrepresentation of AASHE’s STARS Program

November 26, 2012

Dear Editor, We at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) are always thrilled when AASHE is featured in an article that is focused on our mission of empowering...