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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Nicholson Gateway Apartments sit between West Chimes Street and Skip Bertman Drive on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018.

Opinion: Group exercise classes at the Nicholson Gateway UREC would help with feelings of disconnect

By Cécile Girard February 23, 2020

Nicholson Gateway is touted as one of the premier places to live on campus, and for good reason. It is the newest apartment complex on campus, has fully-functioning facilities and rooms come fully-furnished...

LSU's new mental health counseling method

Opinion: University mental health resources are inadequate, students need more than goat yoga and therapy dogs

By Gabrielle Martinez February 22, 2020

As college campuses around the U.S. continue to grow in size, mental health resources on these campuses remain the same. In the past, these resources helped with issues such as homesickness and fatigue,...

It's hard to come out of your shell

Opinion: The ‘college years are the best years of your life’ mindset is misleading, ends in disappointment

By Grace Pulliam February 21, 2020

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the highly mythologized “college experience.” To this day, it eludes me. As I approach the end of my third year at LSU, I’ve found myself questioning...

"Why don't we study Malcolm X more?"

Opinion: We must remember all the heroes of the civil rights movement, not just those featured in textbooks

By Cory Koch February 20, 2020

Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and other peaceful protesters have become synonymous with the civil rights movement. The image of Martin Luther King Jr. and his echoing calls of “I have a dream”...

Friends of the Animals Baton Rouge provides information about dog adoption on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017 at Neighborhood Pet Market on Perkins Road.

Opinion: Owning a pet in college is a great experience, can reduce stress and anxiety for many students

By Shelby Bordes February 20, 2020

January marked exactly one year since I got my dog, Ollie. As a sophomore in college living in an apartment by myself, I knew I needed a companion.  Many people have different opinions about college...

The inadequacy of Black History Month

Opinion: Black History Month is a failure, black history needs to be incorporated more fully at LSU

By Erin Stephens February 19, 2020

Earlier in the semester, my Post-Colonial African History professor asked students to raise their hands if this was the first class they had taken on black history. There was a sea of multicolored hands...

The confederate flag, among other flags, hangs above the elevators on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015, in the Louisiana State Capitol.

Opinion: America, and the South especially, should acknowledge cruel past, memorialize victims of slavery

By Marie Plunkett February 19, 2020

On Jan. 23, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier addressed the participants of the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, which met at Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, in a moving speech. “Germany’s...

LSU President F. King Alexander speaks during the LSU salute ceremony at the Parade Ground on Saturday Nov. 3, 2018.

Opinion: LSU needs to be transparent in search for president, or face student protest, repeat of 2013

By Brett Landry February 18, 2020

With F. King Alexander leaving the University and Thomas Galligan serving as interim president, the LSU community is left wondering who will take over as the University’s net leader. But one thing...

Floats travel down the street during the Tucks Mardi Gras Parade on Canal St. on Saturday, March 2, 2019.

Opinion: LSU should have a longer Mardi Gras break, would be more enjoyable, safer

By Elizabeth Crochet |@elizabethcro_ February 18, 2020

I've already written about how great Mardi Gras is, but I do think there is one thing that would make it even better: a longer break here at the University. I know I am asking for a lot, but I think it...

Bernie or bust?

Opinion: The ‘Bernie or Bust’ mentality is bad, hurts college students and others, only benefits Trump

By Cécile Girard February 16, 2020

If you spend entirely too much time scrolling through Twitter threads, like myself, then you are probably familiar with the phrase “Bernie or Bust.” For readers who do not possess the self-hating...

Students studying on the first floor in Middleton Library on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019.

Opinion: LSU and other universities should focus more on “big picture” concepts, teach students critical thinking

By Evan Leonhard February 15, 2020

Socrates said it best: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” In a time when it seems as though higher education is not much more than an accreditation factory, a place to be assembled,...

Donald Trump has yet to nominate anyone to the seat left vacant by the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

Opinion: Both locally and nationally, Democrats are driving away moderate voters, helping Trump win reelection

By Brett Landry February 15, 2020

With the closing of the New Hampshire Primaries, there are less candidates vying for the Democratic presidential nomination. Furthermore, with Governor John Bel Edwards’ budgetary wishlist lacking...