Nicholson Gateway is touted as one of the premier places to live on campus, and for good reason. It is the newest apartment complex on campus, has fully-functioning facilities and rooms come fully-furnished...
As college campuses around the U.S. continue to grow in size, mental health resources on these campuses remain the same. In the past, these resources helped with issues such as homesickness and fatigue,...
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the highly mythologized “college experience.” To this day, it eludes me.
As I approach the end of my third year at LSU, I’ve found myself questioning...
Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and other peaceful protesters have become synonymous with the civil rights movement. The image of Martin Luther King Jr. and his echoing calls of “I have a dream”...
January marked exactly one year since I got my dog, Ollie. As a sophomore in college living in an apartment by myself, I knew I needed a companion.
Many people have different opinions about college...
Earlier in the semester, my Post-Colonial African History professor asked students to raise their hands if this was the first class they had taken on black history. There was a sea of multicolored hands...
On Jan. 23, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier addressed the participants of the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, which met at Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, in a moving speech.
With F. King Alexander leaving the University and Thomas Galligan serving as interim president, the LSU community is left wondering who will take over as the University’s net leader. But one thing...
I've already written about how great Mardi Gras is, but I do think there is one thing that would make it even better: a longer break here at the University. I know I am asking for a lot, but I think it...
If you spend entirely too much time scrolling through Twitter threads, like myself, then you are probably familiar with the phrase “Bernie or Bust.” For readers who do not possess the self-hating...
Socrates said it best: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” In a time when it seems as though higher education is not much more than an accreditation factory, a place to be assembled,...
With the closing of the New Hampshire Primaries, there are less candidates vying for the Democratic presidential nomination. Furthermore, with Governor John Bel Edwards’ budgetary wishlist lacking...