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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




Opinion: Esquire’s ‘American Boy’ story powerful, worthwhile

By James Smith February 20, 2019

Editor's note: This article is a part of a head-to-head. Read the other article here.  American men’s magazine Esquire published a highly controversial cover article earlier this month...


Opinion: Blackface controversy distracts from Black History Month

By Te’Kayla Pittman February 19, 2019

February marks Black History Month, and the white politicians, celebrities and business owners have found a way to take over and make it about them. Blackface has been around for decades, and it certainly...

The Memorial Tower sits on Dalrymple Drive on Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017.

Opinion: Public universities provide quality education for low cost

By Michael Frank February 19, 2019

In 2015, it was estimated that there were 4,627 degree-granting institutions in the U.S. Narrowing that number down to four-year degree programs, there were still an estimated 3,011 universities....


Opinion: Do-it-yourself culture revolutionary, powerful tool

By Maya Stevenson February 19, 2019

Do-it-yourself culture is a phenomenon the modern world has transformed into an entire industry. With websites like YouTube, DIYNetwork and WikiHow, there are few things the internet cannot give instructions...

Opinion: Increase in hate crimes largely due to divisive, hateful rhetoric

Opinion: Increase in hate crimes largely due to divisive, hateful rhetoric

By Maya Stevenson February 19, 2019

On Jan. 29, actor and activist Jussie Smollett was attacked by two people in Chicago in the early morning. The two attackers yelled racist and homophobic slurs at the “Empire” actor. They poured...

Opinion: Pro-life platform extreme, tyrannical over women's bodies

Opinion: Pro-life platform extreme, tyrannical over women’s bodies

By Ashlon Lusk February 18, 2019

“I’m pro-abortion, and I think we should kill all the babies.” That is an aggressive statement, and you’ve likely never heard a pro-choice advocate say such a thing. This, but in...


Opinion: LSU should release teacher evaluations, increase transparency

By Donald Fountain February 17, 2019

The University is a phenomenal academic institution, but at the end of the day, it’s a business. Every business has aspects they want their consumers to focus on, but there are others that need more...

Classrooms in Prescott Hall sit empty on Thursday, March 1, 2018.

Opinion: Technology belongs in classrooms despite recent pushback

By Donald Fountain February 15, 2019

Welcome to the 21st century. To most people, this statement is nothing new and is about 19 years late. However, the University seems to need this reminder based on the technology policies currently in...


Opinion: LSU should devote more resources to mental health

By Michael Frank February 14, 2019

In the annual report from the Center for Collegiate Mental Health in 2018, 35.8 percent of surveyed students contemplated committing suicide, and 10.3 percent of students attempted to commit...


Opinion: Policing political candidates’ blackness counterproductive

By Olivia James February 13, 2019

California Sen. Kamala Harris formally announced her bid for the 2020 presidential election this past Sunday in Oakland. It was there where she was born to an Indian mother and Jamaican father. Her...

Despite LSU's tobacco-free campus policy, students feel that smoking is still prevalent on campus.

Opinion: Louisiana should follow Hawaii’s lead, raise smoking age

By Ashlon Lusk February 12, 2019

Hawaii passed a new bill that will raise the smoking age from 21 to 100 by the year 2024.The new bill, HB 1509, would change the smoking age from 21 to 30 in 2020, 40 in 2021, 50 in 2022, 60 in 2023 and...


Opinion: Colorism, skin tone prejudice damaging to black community

By Te’Kayla Pittman February 12, 2019

Colorism, or prejudice based on the relative skin tone, hair texture and facial features among persons of the same race, has played a role in American society since the days of slavery. Lighter skin black...