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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Opinion: Double majoring necessary evil for some students

Opinion: Double majoring necessary evil for some students

By Max Nedanovich November 19, 2018

In the last decade, the number of college students choosing to major in multiple subjects has significantly increased. At the nation’s most elite schools, 30 to 40 percent of undergraduate students...


Opinion: Ever-changing beauty standards detrimental to young people

By Maya Stevenson November 19, 2018

Since the beginning of time, beauty standards have been defined and coveted. Every time standards change, the current generation’s perception of themselves does, too. For my generation, our butts...


Opinion: World religion course needed to deter ignorance

By Britany Diefenderfer November 19, 2018

Students at the University should be required to complete a course on world religions to graduate. Students need to be made aware of religious and cultural traditions around the world in an effort to learn...


Opinion: Government gridlock plays well for American economy

By Patrick Gagen November 19, 2018

The Democrats regained control over the House of Representatives on Nov. 6, having obtained a 218-seat majority. Government gridlock is officially back, and future economic growth projections are looking...

Opinion: Representational government would resolve tyranny of individualism

Opinion: Representational government would resolve tyranny of individualism

By Patrick Gagen November 19, 2018

 “Give me liberty or give me death" were the defiant words of Founding Father and great American folk hero Patrick Henry.  For the vast majority of human history, centralized control...

Opinion: Beto O'Rourke deserved Senate seat, should consider 2020 presidential run

Opinion: Beto O’Rourke deserved Senate seat, should consider 2020 presidential run

By Ashlon Lusk November 19, 2018

Beto O’Rourke deserved to be Texas’ senator, not only because he’s more qualified and educated, but because he showed the people of Texas he cares about every single one of them.O’Rourke campaigned...


Opinion: Americans increasingly desensitized to gun violence, mass shootings

By Ashlon Lusk November 19, 2018

In the past two weeks, 12 people were shot in bar in California, 11 people were shot in a synagogue in Pittsburgh and a boy shot his bully in North Carolina. There has been minimal media coverage...

Opinion: Professor-student networking often overlooked, vital to college experience

Opinion: Professor-student networking often overlooked, vital to college experience

By James Smith November 14, 2018

College is often thought of as a race to accredit yourself with whatever courses your degree requires. I hear the phrase “C’s get degrees” far too often. While a good GPA is certainly...

LSU students protest outside of Christ the King Catholic Church on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018.

Opinion: Misguided homophobia widespread among campus Christian organizations

By Jasmine Edmonson November 13, 2018

Christians claim to love and accept all of God’s children — that is, unless he or she is a part of the LGBTQ community. Spectrum, an LGBTQ student organization at the University, protested...

University parking lots stay full on Friday, April 21, 2017, on LSU campus. 

Opinion: LSU faculty shouldn’t be charged for parking

By Jasmine Edmonson November 9, 2018

The University’s employees, many of whom use their vehicles to get to work, are required to buy a parking pass. I understand it’s another method for the University to make a profit, but isn’t...

Opinion: Modern society's morality diminished in favor of idiocy

Opinion: Modern society’s morality diminished in favor of idiocy

By Maya Stevenson November 9, 2018

Last week, a young black woman went on Dr. Phil claiming to be white. The 15-year-old named Treasure Richards said, “When it comes to black people, I think they’re all ugly — and I have...

A participant practices yoga techniques in Milford Wampold Memorial Park in Baton Rouge on Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018.

Opinion: Mindfulness class would offer overwhelming benefits to LSU students

By James Smith November 8, 2018

I took a feature writing class in the spring semester of 2018. One assignment was to do something new for 30 days and write about our experiences. For my 30 Day Challenge, I chose to meditate. The mindfulness...