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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Opinion: Social media overconsumption hinders students’ intellectual growth

Opinion: Social media overconsumption hinders students’ intellectual growth

By Jasmine Edmonson September 2, 2018

American college students are killing their brain cells unconsciously by over-consuming social media. According to Pew Research Center, 18 to 24-year-olds consume a variety of social media platforms on...

Opinion: Lack of diversity in Trump's White House unsurprising

Opinion: Lack of diversity in Trump’s White House unsurprising

By Justin Franklin September 2, 2018

After black-for-pay actress Omarosa Manigault Newman was thrown out of the White House in December 2017, she released a tell-all book with accusations of racism in early August.  The...


Opinion: Extreme Louisiana weather inevitable result of climate change

By Max Nedanovich September 2, 2018

In August 2016, Louisiana residents endured a devastating flood that killed 13 people and damaged nearly 100,000 homes. The slow-moving storm lasted for days, affecting thousands of people across the state. The...


Opinion: Not all enemies of Trump should be considered heroes

By Soheil Saneei August 29, 2018

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is an ancient proverb that has been used throughout history to justify collaborating with immoral individuals and entities. The phrase usually requires...


Opinion: Racial double standard exposed among celebrities with drug issues

By Maya Stevenson August 27, 2018

Public figures and celebrities have a long history of falling prey to drug abuse and mental health issues. In the profession they work in, they are subject to different kinds of abuse, among other struggles....

Drag queen Carina Von Tuna speaks at LAQC's Queer After Party in the LSU French House on Saturday, April 14, 2018.

Opinion: Drag Queen Story Time teaches gender diversity

By James Smith August 27, 2018

A group of protesters gathered August 25 on Johnston St., near University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s campus. They were protesting the Drag Queen Story Time event scheduled for October 6. A small...


Opinion: Black students should break barriers, attend PWIs

By Jasmine Edmonson August 27, 2018

The University is welcoming its largest, most diverse freshman class this year, according to the LSU Division of Strategic Communications. The diversity population is now 30 percent among incoming freshman,...


Opinion: Shortsighted laws dangerous to free speech, personal freedoms

By Kyle Richoux August 27, 2018

Early in 2018, a woman named Marie Laguerre was harassed by a passerby on her way home from work. Security footage captured a man making crude comments to Laguerre near a cafe in Paris and...


Opinion: Conservative Louisiana government officials shirk fiscal responsibility

By Patrick Gagen August 27, 2018

Comedian and “Real Time” host Bill Maher once said he wished for a recession because it would get rid of his Republican adversary, President Donald Trump.  Naturally, reasonable individuals,...


Opinion: Sorority recruitment form of hazing

By Ashlon Lusk August 27, 2018

Editor's note: This article is a part of a head-to-head. Read the other article here.  Sorority recruitment is a form of emotional and physical hazing. When people think of hazing at the University,...


Opinion: Sorority recruitment character-building, bonding experience

By Britany Diefenderfer August 27, 2018

Editor's note: This article is a part of a head-to-head. Read the other article here.  Sororities are cults. You pay for your friends. Sororities force you to conform into something you’re not....

Opinion: Religious extremism divisive, violence-inducing epidemic

Opinion: Religious extremism divisive, violence-inducing epidemic

By Britany Diefenderfer August 27, 2018

More than 2,500 Americans lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. Religious ideals led 19 hijackers to sacrifice their lives in order to destroy the lives of others. The Thirty Years’ War is estimated...