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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




Opinion: Practicing religion, spirituality encourages better mental health

By Chantelle Baker March 7, 2018

According to the Pew Research Center, the number of atheists in the U.S. increased from 1.6 percent to 3.1 percent from 2007 to 2014. Though the percentage is small, it shows more and more people are turning...


Opinion: Comics, graphic novels undervalued as legitimate art form

By Kyle Richoux March 6, 2018

Art is everywhere. It hangs on our walls. It sits on our shelves. We go to theaters to see it. And sometimes, we read it via little word boxes with zany sound effect graphics. Comic books and graphic novels...

Opinion: Americans should equate mass shootings with domestic terrorist acts

Opinion: Americans should equate mass shootings with domestic terrorist acts

By Ashlon Lusk March 5, 2018

A terrorist is someone who uses unlawful violence and intimidation against civilians. Unlawful violence includes, but it not limited to, mass shootings. Twenty-eight of the deadliest mass shootings in...

Classrooms in Allen Hall sit empty on Thursday, March 1, 2018.

Opinion: LSU should adopt three-day weekend, omit Friday classes

By Sarah Grobety March 4, 2018

Everyone loves a three-day weekend. The extra day gives students enough time to get work done, relax and have fun. Universities around the country are adopting a four-day week for its benefits to students...

black privilege

Opinion: White privilege still prevalent, dominant force in America

By Justin Franklin March 3, 2018

“White privilege” has existed in America since the first colonizers set foot on American soil. The perception of dominance, the expectation of possession and the feeling of moral superiority...

birth control

Opinion: Male birth control underutilized alternative to female contraceptives

By Kiana Naquin March 1, 2018

As centuries pass and technology advances, women have been given multiple options for contraception. Women have always had the majority of the responsibility when it comes to avoiding pregnancy. From the...

Opinion: Long-distance relationships valuable for development of relationship

Opinion: Long-distance relationships valuable for development of relationship

By Chantelle Baker February 28, 2018

Editor's note: This article is a part of a head-to-head. Read the other article here. People have been told countless times that long-distance relationships don’t work. Many have been scared...

Opinion: Long-distance relationships not worth the heartache

Opinion: Long-distance relationships not worth the heartache

By Kiana Naquin February 28, 2018

Editor's note: This article is a part of a head-to-head. Read the other article here. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" is probably something many people tell themselves after their significant...


Opinion: University students should consider taking a gap year

By Abigail Varnado February 28, 2018

Almost everyone has a friend or acquaintance who has taken a gap year before attending college. He or she posts fun pictures on social media from around the world, and leaves everyone back home thinking...

Opinion: Student activists possess the ability to spark political change

Opinion: Student activists possess the ability to spark political change

By Seth Nieman February 28, 2018

Youth leaders and student activists were strong forces behind the 1960s civil rights movement because of the courage and heroism they demonstrated. One of the nation’s first civil rights walkouts...

Opinion: Jeff Sessions exposes lingering history of racist leanings

Opinion: Jeff Sessions exposes lingering history of racist leanings

By Justin Franklin February 27, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently stood before the National Sheriffs’ Association and stated, “The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement....


Opinion: ‘White feminism’ not inclusive, counterproductive to movement

By Ashlon Lusk February 26, 2018

People who only support straight, white women are not real feminists. This is called “white feminism.” White feminists should not call themselves feminists, but instead should call themselves...