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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Journalism programs in high school have proven to offer academic and social benefits. 

Opinion: High school journalism programs are vital, deserve funding

By Casey Pimentel February 10, 2017

This year, Zachary High School students came together to get their voices back. The school previously had a newspaper, Hoofprints, which ended in 2014. Students decided to tackle the challenge of bringing...

Opinion: Immigration executive order causes unprecedented divisiveness

Opinion: Immigration executive order causes unprecedented divisiveness

By Clarke Perkins February 9, 2017

As a country, we’re empathetic when families are separated by a natural disaster; we make it a priority to ensure their reunion — yet nearly half of the nation deems it acceptable to split...

Gun regulations (copy)

Opinion: Background checks, regulations ineffective in controlling gun-related crime

By Jordan Marcell February 9, 2017

Editor's note: This is the third column in a four-part series on mental health and gun control. Background checks, screenings, exams, licenses; none of these, alone, will ever be enough to stop gun related...

Liberals' moral superiority cost them the election this past November.

Opinion: Politically correct culture continues to be downfall of liberalism

By Christopher Godail February 9, 2017

Who knew President Trump was foreshadowing the fallout of his election when he chose his de facto campaign song — The Rolling Stones’, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want?” Indeed...

A demonstrator proudly displays her sign on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017, during the Women's March in New Orleans.

Opinion: Promoting awareness of all groups suffering constitutes true activism

By Ryan Thaxton February 9, 2017

Since Jan. 20th, I’ve read many Twitter threads, witnessed discussions online and observed fellow students objecting to President Donald Trump’s administration and much of his new legislation....

Trump's immigration order targets Islamic communities around the world, a form of religious persecution. 

Opinion: Immigration executive order misconstrues American core values

By Jordan Marcell February 9, 2017

It is news to absolutely no one that the recent issuance of an executive order by Donald Trump has caused quite a stir worldwide. Alongside many of the recent injustices he has begun to commit with his...

Protesters gather on Saturday, Jan. 24, 2015 before the 'Organize, Reflect, Act 2015' march from the Memorial Tower to the Pete Maravich Assembly Center.

Opinion: Protests unite Americans under single cause, promotes togetherness

By Abbie Shull February 9, 2017

Forty-one percent of Republicans and 45 percent of Democrats believe one another’s ideologies to be a threat to the nation, according to a Pew Research Center poll. However, despite the division...

LSU students protest in the Quad after the announcement of Pres. Donald Trump's executive order on immigration.

Opinion: Ethical policies should be implemented equally regardless of political affiliation

By Matthew Hutchins February 8, 2017

When some people think of ethics, they think Plato. Others envision Michael Scott and Holly Flax dancing to “Let’s Get Ethical.” When most writers here at The Daily Reveille hear ethics,...

Trump says his immigration executive order has no religious basis but the seven countries the order restricts immigration from are predominantly Muslim. 

Opinion: Immigration executive order targets religion rather than potential terrorism

By Frederick Bell February 8, 2017

On Jan. 27, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that temporarily bans anyone traveling to the United States with passports from Libya, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. He also...

We can incite change through breaking social silence. 

Opinion: Americans should speak up, fight to end social silence

By Alaina DiLaura February 8, 2017

Moral dilemmas plague us all. Most rational decision makers use a similar decision-making process. First, we fight with ourselves over what’s the right thing to do is. Then we weigh the pros and...

An attendee holds up a sign in the crowd during the Women's March on Jan. 21, 2017, at Duncan Plaza in New Orleans.

Opinion: Women’s March highlights need for inclusive feminism

By Lynne Bunch February 7, 2017

Crowd scientists estimate that at least 470,000 people attended the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 21, the day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration. There were people from...

The same idea IKEA had for the refugee shelter should be used to help Louisiana flood victims.  

Opinion: Ikea’s refugee shelter could change lives

By Myia Hambrick February 7, 2017

The Design Museum in London presented the 2016 Beazley Design of the Year award to Ikea’s refugee shelter. “Better Shelter”, as it’s called at Ikea, is made from recyclable plastic....