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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Students who volunteer have more social opportunities and can help students transition into college life smoothly.

Opinion: Volunteering within community offers many benefits to students

By Osie Evans January 19, 2017

Volunteering is a great way to get integrated into the University community while also serving others. Joining a service organization during my sophomore year was one of the best decisions I’ve made...

The common perception of STEM majors being more successful than humanities and arts majors devalues the profession and discourages students from pursuing their true passions.

Opinion: Humanities majors greatly undervalued, STEM majors steal spotlight

By Lynne Bunch January 19, 2017

Every time someone asks me what my major is, I never want to answer the question. I know exactly how they will reply. If I tell them the truth and admit that I’m majoring in mass communication, I...

F. King Alexander is an example of a leader who has fought for the desires of his followers.

Opinion: Leaders must listen to constituents to be more effective

By Kevin Yau January 19, 2017

Leadership is one of the ideal qualities among all occupations. In our everyday lives, we interact with different kinds of leaders, such as professors, store managers, and even elected officials. Some...

Older generations of the LGBTQIA community have a negative experience with the recently reclaimed word, "queer," as it represents an attitude of hatred and discrimination towards gay people. 

Opinion: “Queer” reclaimed slur, not to be used as umbrella term

By Lynne Bunch January 19, 2017

As soon as The Huffington Post changed the name of its LGBTQ section from “HuffPost Gay Voices” to “HuffPost Queer Voices,” a new era of sexuality and gender politics began. The...

Donald J. Trump has an extensive makeup routine planned for his inauguration on Friday, Jan. 20, 2017.

Satire: Trump prepares for inauguration

By Harriet Adams January 19, 2017

Inauguration Day is near, and there is change in the air — and not just pocket change, a small loan of a million dollars type of change. This Friday will be the day that begins an era of “Making...

"La La Land" captures its audience through its music, style, and engaging story line. 

Opinion: “La La Land” representative of lost, old school film style

By Myia Hambrick January 18, 2017

The 2016 musical comedy “La La Land” about dreamers and goal-setters in Los Angeles was a welcome departure from the smashing, crashing, and explosions featured in most of the year’s...

"Moonlight" addresses themes of drug culture, school violence, and incarceration, which are issues that were exceptionally relevant in 2016. 

Opinion: “Moonlight” confronts real life themes, deserves Oscar for Best Picture

By Ryan Thaxton January 18, 2017

"Moonlight" and "La La Land" are easily the two biggest movies of 2016, scoring six and seven golden globe nominations, respectively. While Moonlight won one of six categories and "La La Land" won all...

Many high-profile celebrities have either declined to perform at the President-elect's inauguration or have received backlash for accepting the invitation. 

Opinion: Trump inauguration void of celebrity talent due to hateful campaign

By Abbie Shull January 18, 2017

Apparently, President-Elect Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election because of the demand of the people; therefore, he wants his inauguration to be for the people. Just not the tax-paying people...

Trump signs the Republican loyalty pledge, promising to support whomever the Republican Party would nominate for the presidency in 2016 and to not run as a third-party candidate, were he not to win the nomination himself.

Opinion: Trump inauguration anticipated by many despite campaign issues

By Christopher Godail January 18, 2017

Every political figure has a group of overzealous followers who push the envelope and cross the fine line between morality and immorality. The methods that these followers use to show support for their...

With new technological advancements making our lives more efficient, the effect of our increased technology usage has a negative impact on the children around us. 

Opinion: Increased technology usage can be damaging for children

By Harriet Adams January 15, 2017

It’s 2017, and technology is being used more than ever. Companies are constantly updating, replacing and coming up with new products that are meant to make our lives more efficient. The target consumer...

The mayoral race of Baton Rouge brings changes such as a new Millennial Agenda subcommittee that aims to include the voices of young people in policy making. 

Opinion: Broome forms inclusive millennial agenda subcommittee

By Frederick Bell January 15, 2017

Newly elected East Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome has created several subcommittees to focus on issues around the city, creating a unique opportunity for students to have an impact on...

Name-calling from the Clinton campaign cost her states and counties that were originally blue in the 2008 presidential election but voted red in the 2016 election. 

Opinion: Elections, campaigns come with consequences for candidates

By Christopher Godail January 15, 2017

I wasn’t in the “silent majority.” In fact, I was extremely vocal in my support of President-elect Donald J. Trump from the time I decided he was my candidate. Needless to say, I’m...