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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Jessica Lo Surdo, M.S. (foreground), an FDA staff scientist, studies chain reactions in stem cells in an FDA laboratory on the National Institutes of Health campus in Bethesda, Md. Ross Marklein, Ph.D., a post-doctoral research fellow (background), records findings.

Opinion: Stem cell researchers not deserving of harsh treatment

By Jordan Marcell November 21, 2016

Dr. Eugene Gu, a 30-year-old surgical resident at Vanderbilt University, conducts research that involves the use of unused fetal tissues to combat heart and kidney disease. He has been making major breakthroughs...

The march is held annually to mark the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. 

Opinion: Being against abortion doesn’t mean being pro-life

By Brianna Rhymes November 21, 2016

Abortion is one of the most controversial and uncomfortable political topics to discuss and may even be the reason Donald Trump did overwhelmingly well at the polls this past Election Day. The question...

Actress Rooney Mara faced controversy after being cast as the Native American character "Tiger Lily" in the 2015 movie "Pan." 

Opinion: Hollywood whitewashing demands systemic change

By Ryan Thaxton November 20, 2016

You would think by 2016, whitewashing wouldn’t still be a common issue, but you would also think America would not elect a president who ran on a campaign of racism, misogyny and xenophobia. Whitewashing...

Donald Trump speaks at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C.

Opinion: Trump’s conservative actions speak louder than liberal words

By Lynne Bunch November 20, 2016

In an interview with CBS’ Lesley Stahl on “60 Minutes,” Donald Trump said he is fine with the settled same-sex marriage ruling that came out in June 2015. “These cases have gone...


Opinion: Women still held to sexist, unfair standards

By Brianna Rhymes November 20, 2016

Women have been judged since the beginning of time for being themselves, having fun, embracing their bodies and expressing their sexuality, while boys are cheered on for doing all the same things. It’s...

President Barack Obama relaxes on a sofa in the Oval Office with wife Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha, Feb. 2, 2009. 

Opinion: Inspirational Obama First Family to be missed

By Jordan Marcell November 20, 2016

I had just turned 12 years old when the Obama family moved into the White House. Now, I’m a 19-year-old college sophomore, and after President Barack Obama’s two terms, they are preparing to...

Student loans

Opinion: Students should start looking for employers who offer student loan repayment

By Jay Cranford November 17, 2016

What if I told you there might be an employer out there willing to pay off your student loans? While it might sound too good to be true, it’s slowly becoming a reality. It’s no secret that...

Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump delivers a speech on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, during a rally hosted in the Baton Rouge River Center.

Opinion: Trump used his linguistic capabilities to charm America

By Anjana Nair November 17, 2016

What I’ve realized about the world’s authoritarian regimes is that they base their platforms on hope. They find the most vulnerable, malleable minds and appeal to them. And when they get into...

Governor Bobby Jindal gives a memorable speech about Louisiana law enforcement at the prayer rally on Monday Sept. 14, 2015, at the Louisiana State Capitol.

Opinion: Bobby Jindal incompetent as HSS secretary, disastrous for nation

By Kevin Yau November 16, 2016

Since Donald J. Trump was elected 45th President of the United States last Tuesday, he has started to choose his cabinet. Even though Trump promised to “drain the swamp” on the campaign trail,...

A Playtex tampon is taken out of its wrapping.

Opinion: Feminine products should be treated like essentials

By Myia Hambrick November 16, 2016

Since the beginning of human life, there has always been one thing pushed aside and considered taboo: women’s periods. A woman should not have to be secretive about her body and its processes. It...

Barack and Michelle Obama and Joe and Jill Biden attend an event in August 2008.

Opinion: Obama’s presidential office post-election needs to be acknolwedged

By Clarke Perkins November 15, 2016

There is currently one President of the United States, and his name is Barack Hussein Obama. He is the one and only person serving as commander-in-chief at this time. Donald Trump is president-elect. Also...

 About 2000 Republicans, conservatives and libertarians held their annual Tax Cut Rally on the Minnesota state capitol grounds. They called for lower taxes, less government spending and removal of Democrats from office. An April anti-tax rally has been an annual event in Minnesota for decades.

Opinion: Conservative, liberal perspectives equally important in media

By Anjana Nair November 15, 2016

If you’ve seen Eliza Byard’s tweet about the way the electoral map would’ve looked if only 18-25 year olds voted in the 2016 presidential election, you probably had one of two reactions....