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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Opinion: Proposed sexual assault bills a step in the right direction

By Logan Anderson April 30, 2015

About 5 percent of women on college campuses will face rape or attempted rape while in school, according to advocacy group One in Four. That means, statistically, 790 women at LSU were survivors of sexual...

Letter to the Editor: Proposed budget cuts to decrease access to quality education

By Greg Molchan April 29, 2015

I am proud to have received a world class education at Louisiana State University, where I studied Medieval literature. I am not proud, however, of how Gov.Jindal has treated the people of Louisiana by...

Police stand in formation as a curfew approaches, Tuesday, April 28, 2015, in Baltimore, a day after unrest that occurred following Freddie Gray's funeral. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Opinion: Mistrust grows as law enforcement becomes unreliable

By Clarke Perkins April 29, 2015

Every other week, law enforcement gives us another reason to distrust them. Whether it’s campus, local or state police, they are becoming more undependable, and people of every race should fear that. As...

Opinion: 3D printing challenges capitalism, but corporations will not go down without a fight

Opinion: 3D printing challenges capitalism, but corporations will not go down without a fight

By Alex Mendoza April 29, 2015

With 3-D printing technology becoming more widespread and affordable than ever, it won’t be long before you have the power to personally create whatever you desire in the comfort of your own home....

Louisiana Representative Patricia Smith speaks about state budget cuts and higher education during a protest on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 outside of the Capitol building.

Opinion: LSU community should protest budget cuts

By Cody Sibley April 28, 2015

Throughout history, Americans have used protests to bring awareness to important social, political and economic issues. We all remember reading about protests and civil disobedience in history classes...

Opinion: Eliminating stress about finances can be simple

By Jay Cranford April 28, 2015

In 2015, the Certified Financial Planning (CFP) Board conducted a survey to find out how stressed Americans were about their finances. The results were what they’ve always been: an overwhelming majority...

Opinion: Campus dining unhealthy, provides limited options for restricted diets

By Jen Blate April 28, 2015

We all remember those gross middle school lunches we wouldn’t even feed to our dogs. The square pizzas and the “maybe chicken” patties leave little to be desired, and they aren’t...

Opinion: TOPS reform a necessity under current revenue structure

By Justin DiCharia April 27, 2015

Louisiana’s First Political Commandment: Taketh away TOPS and thou shalt perish. It is Louisiana’s most valuable entitlement program, and, according to data from Louisiana Transparency and...

Opinion: Lowering drinking age has many benefits for US citizens

By Markus Hüfner April 27, 2015

I talked a lot about the major differences between Europe and the U.S. throughout the semester. Although the cultures are similar, things like patriotism, public transportation and police brutality are...

Governor Bobby Jindal talks during Pro-Life Rally on Jan. 24, 2015, on LSU's campus.

Opinion: Louisiana’s new abortion restrictions border on unconstitutional, endanger women statewide

April 26, 2015

It seems Gov. Bobby Jindal is spending his last few months as governor trying as hard as possible to make Louisiana the worst state in the union. Not only is he gutting education and pushing the Legislature...

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal speaks at the Iowa Faith & Freedom 15th Annual Spring Kick Off, in Waukee, Iowa, Saturday, April 25, 2015. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

Opinion: Gov. Jindal’s op-ed shows flaws in proposed anti-gay marriage legislation

By James Richards April 26, 2015

Everybody knows “that guy.” He’s the one who makes you sigh, facepalm and shake your head all at once from his overwhelming idiocy. For me, Gov. Piyush “Bobby” Jindal is that...