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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



The Reveille logo adorns the newsroom wall on Monday, January 9, 2023, on LSU's campus. 

Editorial Board: The Daily Northwestern’s reporting shows why student journalism matters

By The Reveille Editorial Board July 17, 2023

Northwestern University’s student-run newspaper, The Daily Northwestern, recently brought the racist and problematic culture of its football program to light. In a story published on July 8, The...

Best of Reveille awards

Best of Reveille: Vote on the top stories from the last two semesters

By Reveille Staff Report July 12, 2023

The Reveille is giving out awards to its top stories from the last two semesters with the help of our readers.  You can vote in the polls below, on our Twitter, Instagram stories (starting at 5 p.m.)...

Slow Down Graphic Fitzmorris

Opinion: We should all stop to remember the little things, slow down and appreciate life

By Lauren Madden July 6, 2023

Inhale. Exhale. Our bodies naturally perform it, yet most of us forget to do it. From dawn to dusk our schedules are filled, as the “busy bees” and “eager beavers” receive endless...

An LSU women’s basketball fan holds up a sign reading “SLAY” on Friday, March 31, 2023, during LSU’s 79-72 victory over Virginia Tech in the NCAA Final Four in the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas.

Opinion: LSU fans are one of a kind, loyal to their teams like no other fanbase

By Lauren Madden July 1, 2023

About 954 miles separate Alex Box Stadium in Baton Rouge and Charles Schwab Field in Omaha. That is a 14-hour drive, or a five-hour flight. It is a distance many Tigers fans had to "geaux" to watch the...


Letter to the Editor: Banning TikTok will hurt LSU students, exacerbate inequity

By Micheal Shea June 29, 2023

I just recently graduated from LSU and like so many students used the LSU WIFI system for a variety of services and information. But it appears this system will no longer allow LSU students to access TikTok...

Joy Thief Graphic Fitzmorris

Opinion: Don’t let comparison steal your joy, learn how to stop comparing yourself to others

By Lauren Madden June 22, 2023

As I sat down to write this column, I could not help but compare it to the ones before it. For every sentence I typed on the page, many were deleted because I felt that they were not as good as what I...

A transgender Pride flag is covered with the words “Hands Off Trans Youth.” Hundreds of people gathered Friday, March 31, 2023, at Washington Square Park in New Orleans for a march to mark Transgender Day of Visibility.

Letter from the Editor: Misgendering is unacceptable for any publication, we must do better

By Will Nickel |@WilNickel June 14, 2023

Recently, The Advocate published a letter to the editor that claimed the gender-neutral pronouns used in the obituary of 17-year-old Belle Adelman-Cannon were “baffling.” The letter repeatedly...

Planner Graphic Fitzmorris

Opinion: Your life probably won’t follow the plans you’ve made for it

By Lauren Madden June 11, 2023

When I grow up, I want to be… These are the words that initiated the desire to devise a plan for our futures. As school progressed, we were taught how to use a planner and required to determine our...

Vulnerability Graphic Fitzmorris

Opinion: Being vulnerable is a measure of your strength, not your weakness

By Lauren Madden June 4, 2023

There is a characteristic that all of us have but few of us show. It's something that we admire in others but are apprehensive from showing it ourselves. We run from it. We hide from it, and there comes...

Signs stand tall throughout Tigerland on Monday, Feb. 20, 2023, on Bob Petit Blvd. in Baton Rouge, La.

Opinion: Today’s headlines show that humanity is broken, going out isn’t fun – it’s scary

By Lauren Madden May 25, 2023

Once again, another crime has occurred in Baton Rouge. According to a report from The Advocate, “A man has been arrested, accused of taking a woman home from Fred’s bar in Tigerland and raping...

class waitlist graphic

Opinion: Scheduling classes shouldn’t be so stressful, LSU should offer more resources

By Isabella Albertini May 23, 2023

Scheduling classes shouldn’t be a stressful process.  But for many LSU students, scheduling courses for the next semester can be very stressful. Between trying to figure out which classes they...

Self Forgive Graphic

Opinion: We all have the power to forgive ourselves and we should use it

By Lauren Madden May 19, 2023

We are taught that when we are unkind to others, we must apologize to them, and we usually apologize by saying “I’m sorry.” Our apologies are almost always met with forgiveness because...