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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Green Bay Packers' Davon Housebreaks up a pass intended for Minnesota Vikings' Cordarrelle Patterson during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013, in Green Bay, Wis. The game ended in a tie, 26-26. (AP Photo/Mike Roemer)

Opinion: Ties unfortunate but a part of the game

By James Moran November 25, 2013

In a football game, like in just about every organized athletic contest, two teams compete. To quote LSU coach Les Miles, one team finishes first and one team finishes second. Well, most of the time. Sunday’s...

Opinion: East BR retake policy masks real problem

By Christine Guttery November 25, 2013

Grades and the way students are assessed has been a controversial issue from kindergarten to higher education. According to a report by WBRZ, the East Baton Rouge Parish School System Central office recently...

FILE - In this Sunday, Nov. 24, 1963 file photo, mourners form a long line as they assemble in front of the Capitol to pay their respects to slain President John F. Kennedy in Washington. (AP Photo/File)

Opinion: Conspiracy theories surrounding JFK murder founded

By Joshua Hajiakbarifini November 21, 2013

Half a century ago today, the last great president of our country was cut down in Dallas, Texas while fighting for a future that ended as soon as he passed away. His sudden death has forever marked the...

Student Government Presidential candidate John Woodard voices his opinion on March 7, 2013, at a campaign debate in the Holliday Forum.

Looking Forward: SG president addresses students and expresses next semester’s goals

By John Woodard November 20, 2013

Taylor and I want to thank you — the student body— for allowing us to serve you this year. It has been an exciting and eventful semester thus far. We have been able to accomplish several initiatives,...

Bobby Jindal

Opinion: TOPS money, opportunity wasted on unworthy students

By Eli Haddow November 18, 2013

Louisiana is wasting a vast amount of money on below-average students. The Taylor Opportunity Program for Students, otherwise known as TOPS, doled out $166 million to Louisiana students last year to attend...

Saving Leftovers: Food Deserts in Baton Rouge

Saving Leftovers: Food Deserts in Baton Rouge

By Gabby Schick November 11, 2013

In 2013, the nation has seen a significant rise in government assistance, technological breakthroughs and medical advancement. With these resources in modern-day America, it’s hard to fathom the...

10 Clues You'e an Alabama Fan

Top 10 Clues You’re an Alabama Fan

November 6, 2013

Compiled by J. Shelledy's MC 2010, 2011 and 3002 classes.

LSU students and fellow facutly gather Mon. Sept. 9, 2013 in Howe Russell Hall to discuss the U.S. involement in Syria.

Opinion: Students benefit from engaging lectures, faculty

By Morgan Searles November 3, 2013

AMSTERDAM — When the staunchly traditional professor of my Culture and Citizenship class boldly announced last week that he would not use PowerPoints in his lectures, I felt a momentary short in...

Opinion: DNA database gives government too much power

Opinion: DNA database gives government too much power

By Annette Sommers November 3, 2013

Prairieville police are holding a man’s DNA hostage after obtaining it for evidence when his wife’s car was broken into Oct. 29. This ridiculous ordeal could be the first of many future attempts...

The 5 dining hall welcomes students Monday, Oct. 14, 2013 for lunchtime.

Opinion: Healthy on-campus dining options insufficient

By Annette Sommers October 14, 2013

The dining halls on campus are advertised as state-of-the-art, but their food is not even mediocre. I realize LSU is rooted in a cultured area, but the on-campus options are just plain sloppy. The health...

Letter to the Editor: Feminism’s biggest problem

By Abigail Wolering October 14, 2013

I am a feminist. I also strive to be an intelligent, socially aware, and reasonable human being, and I can tell you that feminism simply for feminism’s sake is feminism’s biggest problem. Feminism...

The new check-out machine for the snack shop stands on display in the Union. This machine replaced the job that a person used to occupy.

Opinion: Technology so great, it’s destroying jobs

By Joshua Hajiakbarifini October 13, 2013

Recently a new self-service snack shoppe has been installed at the Student Union, resulting in the loss of a student worker job. This is something students really need to get used to, because it will become...