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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Sister Cindy points in disgust an LSU student on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 during her time preaching to students on LSU's campus the first week of Spring Semester 2020 in Free Speech Plaza.

Opinion: Evangelicals benefit from greater personal liberties, not legislating morality

By Canaan Charrier November 21, 2021

In our “one nation under God,” policymaking history has long been inspired by conviction of a moral high ground. Yet, as sweeping decisions surrounding LGBT+ rights, recreational drug use and...

Kinesiology Senior Abby Caffey and Assistant Kinesiology Professor Marc Dalecki stand by their research presentation at LSU Discover Day on April 9th

Opinion: Research is fun, a good way of getting involved

By Samuel Camacho November 21, 2021

I've noticed something very unusual in the past semester. So many students are trying to get involved on campus, but with little success. As co-president of a club on campus, this frightens me. I often...

President Joe Biden greets Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, left, after arriving at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport in Kenner on Friday, Sept. 3, 2021. Biden traveled to Louisiana to survey storm damage from Hurricane Ida and meet with officials.

Opinion: Gov. Edwards’ commitment to clean energy vital to Louisiana’s future

By Charlie Stephens November 21, 2021

“We can’t afford to be more ‘pro oil and gas’ than the oil and gas companies,” Gov. John Bel Edwards said at the United Nations Climate Conference in Glasgow earlier this...

Two people who knew an unidentified victim of a fatal incident at the Houston Astroworld concert embrace at a memorial on Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021. (AP Photo/Robert Bumsted)

Opinion: Don’t talk to me if you still support Travis Scott

By Emily Davison November 15, 2021

From school shootings to violent riots, it feels like fatal tragedies make up the majority of our country’s news. Yet another of these terrifying—and completely preventable—incidents...


Opinion: Inaction on building renaming a holdover from USC for President Tate

By Charlie Stephens November 14, 2021

The University of South Carolina formed its building renaming committee on Oct. 18, 2019, almost an entire year before LSU announced the formation of its committee on the same subject in August of 2020. USC...

texting back cartoon

Opinion: Texting back all the time is exhausting, unrealistic standard

By Kathryn Craddock November 14, 2021

You are probably familiar with the phrase “left on read” and all the associated memes about someone reading your message and not replying to it. Being "left on read" is synonymous with rejection...

This Baton Rouge Community Fridge at 1600 Government St is one of two such mutual aid food pantries in Baton Rouge.

Opinion: Baton Rouge Community Fridge demonstrates importance of mutual aid

By Claire Sullivan November 13, 2021

The Baton Rouge Community Fridge seeks to tackle local food insecurity through mutual-aid food pantries, where people give what they can and take what they need. There are currently two locations for the...

COVID online cartoon

Opinion: Online education is a failure. We can’t go back to it.

By Samuel Camacho November 12, 2021

COVID has destroyed our education system. Academic standards are lower. Cheating is at an all-time high. And, according to the United States Census Bureau, COVID has added “layers of economic...

How to make friends cartoon

Opinion: Making friends in college is critical to success, but harder than ever

By Samuel Camacho November 10, 2021

Making friends in college is harder than ever. Thinking back to my own freshman year experience reminds me of this all too often. I used to have the epitome of a college life—the constant carousing...

Homeschooling is good cartoon

Opinion: Growing trend of homeschooling will benefit students long-term

By Canaan Charrier November 10, 2021

From the beginning of lockdowns last March to today, many parents have decided to take their children’s education into their own hands. In fact, the Census Bureau reports that the number of independent...

Stamp collection from submissions sent into The Southern Review, a quarterly magazine founded in 1935, printed by LSU press, co-founded by Robert Penn Warren, Cleanth Brooks, and Charles W. Pipkin.

Opinion: LSU English department much more historical than many may think

By evan_leonhard November 9, 2021

“Yale, Johns Hopkins and LSU,” were, according to Mark Bauerlein, cultural critic and professor of English at Emory University, the three major institutions from which the 20th century’s...

Students pitch tents outside Blackburn Center in protest of unsafe living conditions in residential halls at Howard University.

Letter to the Editor: #BlackburnTakeover at Howard University is model for student activism

By Joshua Jordan November 8, 2021

Howard University students, who haven’t been treated with the dignity and respect they rightfully deserve, are holding their president and administration to account. Dating back to at least 1968...