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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Harry Styles

Opinion: Harry Styles is the new manly man

By Marie Plunkett December 1, 2020

I’m sure we’ve all seen the iconic December 2020 cover for Vogue, but just in case anyone hasn’t, let me describe it for you: Harry Styles, 26, wears a custom-made Gucci ball gown paired...

Reveille Spring 2021 applications are open

Reveille Spring 2021 applications are open

By Reveille Staff Report December 1, 2020

If you have an interest in writing and being a part of a team of dedicated LSU student reporters, look no further than The Reveille. Spring 2021 applications for multiple positions on the Reveille...

Be thankful for the little things

Opinion: Be thankful for the little things, if nothing else

By Domenic Purdy December 1, 2020

Thanksgiving came and went, but for many, it was hard to find things to be grateful for; it felt like another Thursday in a year that will live in infamy. With a pandemic that has taken over a million...

Christmas comic

Opinion: Christmas no longer just a religious holiday — and that’s OK

By Evan Leonhard December 1, 2020

Growing up, I always sensed a fundamental tension between the different elements of the holiday season. My family would go to church, give each other gifts and listen to songs about Santa Claus —...

Highland Coffees

Opinion: Give back to the community by supporting small business

By Elizabeth Crochet November 29, 2020

Many of us are still struggling amid the pandemic -- some more so than others. Many bigger corporations have safety nets to help them survive, but the same cannot be said for most small businesses. This...

Tom Galligan Should be LSU next president

Opinion: Drop the ‘interim’ — make it President Tom Galligan

By Cory Koch November 25, 2020

The LSU Board of Supervisors and the Presidential Search Committee are currently in the process of finding a permanent executive figure for the University. Their decision will decide the trajectory of...

Tom Galligan Should not be LSU president

Opinion: Presidential search committee needs to look at all candidates, consider diversity

By Cécile Girard November 25, 2020

This October, the University announced that a search committee had finally been formed to nominate the next president of LSU.Although Interim President Tom Galligan seems to be the obvious favorite, I...

A bottle of disinfectant sits Friday Nov. 13, 2020 to clean each table after use at The 5 dining hall.

Opinion: Family gatherings for Thanksgiving not worth the risk this year

By Tamia Southall November 24, 2020

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we all must remember: the pandemic is not over just because we're over it. We all want to spend time with our loved ones right now but we need to make sure...

Mardi Gras 2021

Opinion: Waiting until 2022 to ‘let the good times roll’ a worthy but bittersweet sacrifice

By Domenic Purdy November 24, 2020

When the pandemic first began to take a foothold in the United States, I was in New Orleans celebrating Mardi Gras with my roommate and a friend from high school. How fitting, then, that 2021’s Mardi...

Man using his Mobile Phone in the street, bokeh

Opinion: Twitter ‘Fleets’ a sign of social media homogenization

By Marie Plunkett November 23, 2020

We all know social media has its problems -- Instagram is fake, Twitter fosters cancel culture, Facebook is mostly irrelevant, etc. – but their problems are all unique. I don’t go to Instagram...

The textbook section sits empty on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at Barnes and Noble at LSU on 2 Union Square.

Opinion: Textbooks should not be required if they aren’t going to be used

By Elizabeth Crochet November 23, 2020

It is getting to that point in the semester where rented textbooks need to be returned. This week I took a walk through campus to Barnes & Noble to return a textbook I had rented for one of my classes...

LSU protest against sexual assault mishandlings

Opinion: Sexual assault prevention starts with our institutions

By Claire Sullivan November 23, 2020

According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 18.3% of women and 1.4% of men in the U.S. have been raped at some point in their lives. Of those survivors, 98.1% of women and 93.3%...