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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Jennifer Nguyen.jpg

LSU students give opinions on first presidential debate

By Laryssa Bonacquisti October 2, 2016

Following the first presidential debate, divides between political parties seem more apparent than ever. In this election, one of the most divisive in recent history, millennials’ interest have grown,...

Milo Yiannopoulos speaks on multiple topics such as fat shaming during his speech on Wednesday Sept. 21, 2016, in the LSU Union Theatre.

Provocateur comes to campus, discusses the merits of fat shaming

By Natalie Anderson September 21, 2016

When a British man dressed in drag took the stage in the Student Union Theatre, a crowd filled with “Make America Great Again” and Trump 2016 attire, as well as Harambe and anti-Hillary Clinton...

David Duke

LSU experts say David Duke has little chance in Senate race

By Lauren Heffker September 18, 2016

Louisiana is known for its colorful political characters, and the state is seeing the past resurface as former state representative and Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke runs for U.S. Senate. Duke announced...

Rep. Thomas Carmody, R-Shreveport, looks dejected as a bill to merge all existing higher education governing boards into a new, single governing apparatus failed Wednesday in the House Education Committee.  

House Education Committee kills bill to merge higher education governing boards

By Quint Forgey April 27, 2016

A measure aimed at streamlining the governance of Louisiana’s higher education by merging its four management boards and the overarching Board of Regents into one new governing body – the Louisiana...

The Louisiana House of Representatives passed House Bill 1085 on Tuesday, April 26, which would set up a pathway for college agriculture centers around the state to begin growing the hemp plant.

House passes bill allowing college agriculture centers to grow hemp

By D.B. Narveson April 26, 2016

Universities in Louisiana might soon be able to legally research and grow marijuana’s cousin, the fibrous hemp plant, for industrial and agricultural uses. The House of Representatives passed HB...

Republican Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne, a fourth-place finisher in the recent gubernatorial primary, officially endorsed Democrat John Bel Edwards for governor during a speech given on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015 in Free Speech Alley.

Legislators eye potential large-scale changes to save higher education budget

By Samuel Carter Karlin April 25, 2016

Discussions on how to fully fund higher education forayed into overarching budget changes in a Senate committee Monday as another special session looms over the Legislature and the state remains roughly...

Louisiana Survey shows high support for minimum wage increases

By Beth Carter April 24, 2016

One of the greatest partisan debates — raising the minimum wage — may not be so partisan after all.  According to the 2016 Louisiana Survey, which identifies how Louisiana residents...

Sen. Jack Donahue, R-Mandeville

Bill to decouple TOPS from tuition passes through House committee

By Samuel Carter Karlin April 20, 2016

A widely supported measure to rein in the cost of TOPS by decoupling the scholarships from the cost of tuition sailed through a House committee Wednesday without objection. Legislators soon will begin...

Secretary of State Tom Schedler holds up his personal iPhone as he explains on Friday, Sept. 25, 2015, in his office.

Schedler supports bill which could increase student voter participation

By Samuel Carter Karlin April 20, 2016

Students on Louisiana’s college campuses — historically some of the least engaged in the voting process — may soon be able to vote using student IDs if a bill that sailed through a House...

From left, Alexandria Police Chief Loren Lambert, Sen. Ronnie Johns, R-Lake Charles, and Lake Charles Police Chief Donald Dixon testify before Senate Judiciary B Committee Tuesday in support of exempting all body camera footage from public records requests. Johns, the bill’s sponsor, agreed to include less all-encompassing language before resubmitting it.

Sen. Johns amends SB 398 after facing criticism, concerns

By Jack Richards April 19, 2016

Committee members and media representatives Tuesday convinced Sen. Ronnie Johns, R-Lake Charles, to amend his Senate Bill 398 which, in its original form, would effectively exempt all body camera footage...

Courtesy of Louisiana State Senate

Tuition autonomy bill passes through Senate committee

By Samuel Carter Karlin April 18, 2016

A bill that would make it easier for higher education officials to raise tuition and fees at Louisiana colleges and universities passed through a Senate committee without objection on Monday. SB 80 by...

Former United States Sen. John Breaux, who served in Louisiana from 1987 until 2005, was the keynote speaker at the annual Breaux Symposium held in LSU’s Holliday Forum.

Former U.S. Sen. John Breaux addresses voting rights during annual symposium

By Jacob Hamilton April 11, 2016

Voting is as American as apple pie, which is why the specific issue of voting rights and different schemes employed to prevent people from voting should be more of a national issue, complained former United...