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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Eagle Scout honors fallen hero

By Tyler Andrews, Guest Columnist
September 10, 2011

Where were you? Around this time of the year, it's a question that travels from person to person quite frequently, and I will be able to answer it for the rest of my life. I was in a third grade classroom...

A soldier’s unexpected homecoming

By Mark Herring, Features Editor
September 8, 2011

From the tarmac of a Michigan airport Aug. 28, Karen VanDreumel saw her son Joseph return from Afghanistan draped in an American flag as his family's hero. Two weeks ago, this moment had seemed far away...

Faculty and staff remember the initial shock

By Nishanth Coontoor, Staff Writer
September 8, 2011

Those alive to witness the events of Sept. 11 still clearly recall the minutest of details, of what they were doing when tragedy struck. We all know exactly where we were, even today. "Initially, I did...

Serving and protecting-and not forgetting

By Andrew Branch, Senior Staff Writer
September 8, 2011

Rage. It's what Rich Marx, a Raleigh police captain, said was his reaction as nearly 3,000 of his countrymen and 72 of his fellow officers died on 9/11. "We were caught with our pants down on 9/11," John...

Students from NYC area recall their experience

By Joanne Wu, Life & Style Editor
September 8, 2011

Grade school kids not far from the age of ten witnessed an interruption in the routine of their daily lives, a shift in their country's political agenda and an awakening for the rest of the world. Ten...