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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




April 18 8:20 RRN Newscast

By Olivia Gordon
Radio Reporter
April 17, 2012

______ Contact Olivia Gordon at [email protected]

Faculty Senate resolution proposes four-day school week

By Megan Dunbar
Radio Reporter
April 17, 2012

The University Faculty Senate heard Industrial Engineering professor Fereydoun Aghazadeh's proposal for a four-day school week Monday. Aghazadeh said this would be better for time efficiency, and would...

April 16 5:20 RRN Newscast

By Natalie Guccione
Radio Reporter
April 16, 2012

---- Contact Natalie Guccione at [email protected]


April 17 8:20 RRN Newscast

By Haylie Navarre
Radio Reporter
April 16, 2012

---- Contact Haylie Navarre at [email protected]


April 17 Noon RRN Newscast

By Haylie Navarre
Radio Reporter
April 16, 2012

---- Contact Haylie Navarre at [email protected]


April 16 8:20 RRN Newscast

By Olivia Gordon
Radio Reporter
April 15, 2012

______ Contact Olivia Gordon at [email protected]

April 16 Noon RRN Newscast

By Moriah Purdy
Radio Reporter
April 15, 2012

______ Contact Moriah Purdy at [email protected]


April 5 8:20 RRN Newscast

By Haylie Navarre
Radio Reporter
April 4, 2012

---- Contact Haylie Navarre at [email protected]

Flores MBA program parterning with College of Engineering to create undergraduate/masters program

By Marylee Williams
Radio Reporter
April 4, 2012

The Flores MBA program is currently waiting on approval from the College of Engineering for the 3 + 2 program. The program would provide Industrial Engineering Undergraduate students the opportunity to...

“SlutWalk” takes place in New Orleans Saturday

By Angela Schifani
Radio Reporter
April 4, 2012

This weekend New Orleans residents are taking a walk...and a stand. The Slutwalk - a demonstration against rape victim shaming - will take place in New Orleans Saturday morning. Protestors will attempt...


April 4 8:20 RRN Newscast

By Olivia Gordon
Radio Reporter
April 4, 2012

---- Contact Olivia Gordon at [email protected]

April 4 5:20 RRN Newscast

By Natalie Guccione
Radio Reporter
April 4, 2012

---- Contact Natalie Guccione at [email protected]