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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



BLSA provides opportunity for black law students

By Dena Winegeart February 4, 2017

In a nation with nearly 38 million black Americans, only 5 percent of attorneys are black. University law students Jumoke Dara and Natalie Ebolum are hoping to change that. The Black Law Students Association...

Bike usage increases on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017, on campus.

Bikeshare program set to make LSU an SEC leader in sustainability efforts

By Taylor Delpidio February 3, 2017

In a partnership with the Baton Rouge Area Foundation, the University will take part in a bikeshare program beginning this year. The first phase of the program will place 500 bikes for rental to the public...

Philosophy and film & media arts senior Brandon Harris's music is promoted SoundCloud.

SoundCloud’s financial problems could impact student artists

By Hannah Venerella February 2, 2017

The U.S. music industry is swelling for the second straight year – the first time since the CD sales peaked in 1998 and 1999 – because of paid streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. Although...

Office of Academic Affairs to streamline orientation sessions

Office of Academic Affairs to streamline orientation sessions

By Evan Saacks February 2, 2017

The time between when a student chooses to attend the University and when that student first attends a college class is an important time for the University to educate the student about college life. That...

Services arranged for Graham Thomas Jordan

By Courtesy of Mary Ellen Jordan February 2, 2017

Graham Thomas Jordan was welcomed into our Lord’s loving arms on Sunday, January 29, 2017 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the age of 21. Born on May 8, 1995, he is the beloved son of Mary Ellen Burggraf...

Currently, 124 University students are registered as sugar babies on the Seeking Arrangements website.

LSU junior uses Seeking Arrangement to make extra money

By Evan Saacks January 30, 2017

University junior Sarah* made $2,500 each of the last two months from her new arrangement. She’s happy with the amount, — though it is a step down from the $3,000 she made each of the six months...

ECA Screenshot

LSU reports death of ECA resident

By Staff Reports January 29, 2017

LSU Residential Life sent a broadcast email to East Campus Apartments residents  alerting students of a death in the community. LSU Media Relations confirmed the deceased is Graham Thomas Jordan.  The...

Karate students end practice by lining up for meditation during in the Huey P. Long Field House on Jan. 25, 2017.

LSU Karate Club enters its 52nd year of existence

By Evan Saacks January 26, 2017

You won’t find LSU Karate Club members waxing cars or painting fences. They don’t sweep legs or bark out what doesn’t exist in their dojo. Their practice goes far beyond the physical...

Cosmic Connections

Astrologers, astronomers offer their opinions on rare astrological event

By Hannah Venerella January 26, 2017

For those believing in astrology, Jan. 8 marked the beginning of a rare astrological event: All Planets in Direct Motion, which will continue through Feb. 6. The infrequently occurring event was seen as...

The bus stop located outside of the Wildwood front office sits vacant on Wednesday Jan. 25, 2017, at the Wildwood apartment complex off of Burbank Drive.

Nicholson/BenHur buses no longer stopping at Wildwood apartments

By Dena Winegeart January 25, 2017

University students that pass the Burbank and Ben Hur intersection may see students “play[ing] frogger” when attempting to catch the bus at Arlington Cottages and Townhomes. Students living...

The battleship tournament took place on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017, at the LSU UREC.

UREC hosts battleship tournament in newly opened indoor pool

By CJ Carver January 25, 2017

While most places around campus are quiet around 8 p.m. on a Tuesday night, the UREC’s indoor pool was anything but. From the crowd’s excitement over teams celebrating their victories to the...

Greg 'CRAOLA' Simkins, a surrealist painter describes one of his works to LSU faculty and students on Monday Jan. 23, 2017 in the Art & Design Building.

Artist Greg Simkins lectures on art, gives advice to students

By Scott Griswold January 24, 2017

ng has a memory. “That place we got chased by gangbangers,” he said, pointing to a wall of graffiti from his slideshow. “At this place, I didn’t put any green in my painting. So...