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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



MLK commemoration lacking diversity, unity

By Monique Green, Contributing Writer
January 20, 2004

Maurice Gipson realized the Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Program was lacking diversity two years ago after reading a Reveille article describing the crowd. "We want more unity and to be all-inclusive,"...

New procedures help hinder ticket scalping

By Brian Giandelone, Contributing Writer
January 20, 2004

The season that many people are saying no one could have predicted created a high demand for the hottest ticket in town. While the LSU football team prepared for its first National Championship game since...

Revelry Ranks

Revelry Ranks

January 20, 2004

"Big Fish" By Matt Grady, Revelry Writer Tim Burton steps behind the camera to direct Ewan McGregor and an all-star cast in "Big Fish." "Big Fish" tells the story chronicling the adventures of Edward Bloom...

Meet the Editorial Staff

January 20, 2004

Rebecca Markway Junior, Print Journalism This kind of thing is not my cup of tea. I've already objected to having my picture in the paper next to my column. But, that's enough information for me. Although...

Championship Trophy goes on tour

By Monique Green, Contributing Writer
January 20, 2004

Dedicated LSU fans have spent long hours standing in line just to get a glimpse of the 37 pound, 34 inch ADT National Championship Trophy. The ADT Trophy is valued at $30,000. Each year an artisan at Waterford...

Best of the best vie for Golden Globe Awards

By Matt Grady, Revelry Writer
January 20, 2004

Stars from the big and small screen will flock to Los Angeles on Jan. 25 to salute 2003's knockout performances at the 2004 Golden Globe Awards. The Best Motion Picture - Drama category recognized 2003's...

Back to Business

By Scott Sternberg, Opinion Editor
January 20, 2004

We've come a long way since the last Reveille came out, the football team won a national championship, Saddam Hussein was captured, Gov. Kathleen Blanco was inaugurated and Student Government still hasn't...

Gov. Blanco ready for action

By Michael Beagle, Contributing Writer
January 20, 2004

Newly elected Democratic Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco took control of the state of Louisiana on Jan. 12, becoming the first woman in the state's nearly 200-year history to hold the title. "Never...


January 20, 2004

TODAY DELTA SIGMA THETA * Meet and greet * 7 p.m., at the African American Cultural Center ONGOING January Graduate School Office * Deadline for submitting to Graduate School or updating applications for...

Cult following spurs return of TV’s “Family Guy”

By Natalie Naquin, Revelry Writer
January 20, 2004

"Family Guy," the short-running cartoon which made its debut on Fox at the beginning of 1999, is rumored to be coming back. Cancelled in early 2002, the show known for frequent pop culture references and...

Streak of meningitis cases darken winter break

By Amanda McElfresh, Staff Writer
January 20, 2004

A meningitis infection affected three Baton Rouge area teenagers over the holiday break, resulting in two deaths and causing one University student to be hospitalized. Allison Vizinat, a 19-year-old Southeastern...

Serial killer survivor testifies against Lee

By Adam Causey, Chief Staff Writer
January 20, 2004

The woman police say is the only surviving victim of accused serial killer Derrick Todd Lee testified Thursday in a pre-trial hearing. Diane Alexander, a nurse and Breaux Bridge resident, said during the...