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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Ole Skule Honors

By Lauren Wilbert, Staff Writer
November 3, 2003

Among the tailgaters and Homecoming hype Saturday morning sat black hawks, tanks and Hummers on the Parade Ground. Friends and family gathered at the War Memorial in front of the Memorial Tower to honor...

Volleyball gets win over Ole Miss

Volleyball gets win over Ole Miss

By David Theard, Sportswriter
November 3, 2003

The LSU (11-14, 6-6 Southeastern Conference) volleyball team played its last two home games of the season this past weekend, dropping a five-game match to Mississippi State before rebounding and defeating...

Coach feels Tigers rank ahead of Miami

By Bryan Wideman, Sportswriter
November 3, 2003

Following its 49-10 loss to LSU on Saturday night, Louisiana Tech was full of compliments for the Tigers and held nothing back when comparing them to Miami, which beat the Bulldogs 48-9 in Shreveport on...


November 3, 2003

TODAY Monday, Nov. 3 Student Christian Medical Association * General chapter meeting * 7 p.m. 102 Williams Pre-Vet Club * Meeting * 7 p.m. Vet School * Contact Leslie, [email protected] Catholic Center *...

Random sports thoughts

By Jason Martin, Assistant Sports Editor
November 3, 2003

Some random thoughts after a wild Saturday in sports. ... LSU beat the pants off Louisiana Tech. Whoopty-do! After dominating other decent state teams for the past 100 years, when are the Tigers going...

Anybody's Game

Anybody’s Game

By Justin Robicheaux, Staff Writer
October 31, 2003

Nov. 15 will mark the beginning of a new era in Louisiana politics as Kathleen Blanco and Bobby Jindal vie to become the state's first non-caucasian male governor. According to Wayne Parent, political...

Watching paint dry can be enlightening

By Seth Fox
October 31, 2003

As you read this (or, more realistically, as you pass this up completely to laugh at the stripper classifieds in the back of the paper,) I will be finishing up what has arguably been the worst, most frustrating...

Picks of the Week

Picks of the Week

October 31, 2003

Reveille Sports Staff Picks

Tiger defense switches gears for pass offense

Tiger defense switches gears for pass offense

By David Theard, Sportswriter
October 31, 2003

After facing two grind-it-out, rushing-dominated offenses in Auburn and South Carolina in its last two games, the LSU football team (7-1, 4-1 Southeastern Conference) faces a high-flying, fast break attack...

Bulldogs unlikely to spoil Tigers’ celebration

By Ronnie McLellan, Sportswriter
October 31, 2003

Homecoming is traditionally a game the home team should win, and LSU's homecoming contest against Louisiana Tech is no different. The Tigers assume their familiar role this season as the favorite this...


October 31, 2003

TODAY Friday, Oct. 31 Catholic Center * Pray the Rosary * 6 p.m. in Church, Highland @ Dalrymple Wargaming and Roleplaying at LSU * Roleplaying and gaming @ Tureaud * 7 p.m. - till, Tureaud Hall * Contact...

Letters to the Editor

October 31, 2003

Election coverage falls short this year I'm writing to express my disappointment with this semester's election coverage. Homecoming received an entire special section, while elections only merited a small...