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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




October 31, 2003

TODAY Friday, Oct. 31 Catholic Center * Pray the Rosary * 6 p.m. in Church, Highland @ Dalrymple Wargaming and Roleplaying at LSU * Roleplaying and gaming @ Tureaud * 7 p.m. - till, Tureaud Hall * Contact...

Letters to the Editor

October 31, 2003

Election coverage falls short this year I'm writing to express my disappointment with this semester's election coverage. Homecoming received an entire special section, while elections only merited a small...

Fan’s Best Friend

By Alexandria Burris, etc. Writer
October 30, 2003

He represents every aspect of the University. At sporting events his orange and black stripes decorate the campus with tiger pride. Mike the Tiger has been a part of the University since 1936, and he is...

Students hope to boost careers by modeling

By Walter Gabriel, Contributing Writer
October 30, 2003

Some members of the LSU community are gaining the national spotlight at early ages, but not in a way most people would expect - they are modeling. Two LSU students are appearing in national publications....

University customs change throughout the years

By Walter Gabriel, etc. Writer
October 30, 2003

Grilling burgers and cooking jambalaya under purple and gold tents on Saturday afternoons is a ritual performed by LSU fans, but few people know about traditions that no longer exist. History professor...

Letters to the Editor

October 30, 2003

Smokers need to be careful with butts On my usual route to class this morning through the parking lot between Howe-Russell and Nicholson Hall, I noticed that a pile of leaves which had accumulated along...

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Though the process has changed during the years, homecoming is a tradition students have enjoyed for decades. According to the "L" book, in the early days of the University, women had many chances to be...

In the Spotlight

By Aaron Bayham
October 30, 2003

Most students cannot imagine the effect that being named Homecoming king or queen in front of more than 90,000 screaming fans would have on their lives. Melanie Hebert and Mark Higgins II share their stories...

‘Better than ever’ at PMAC

By Angella Semons, Revelry Writer
October 30, 2003

Better Than Ezra will perform at the PMAC tonight as part of Homecoming festivities. The event, "The Tiger Experience," is a free concert for the public that immediately follows the Homecoming pep rally....

Columnist urges students to take part in week’s festivities

By Jason Doré, etc. Columnist
October 30, 2003

To some, homecoming means nothing more than an easy opponent for the football team, but to others homecoming is a treasured tradition. Traditions play a big role in the life and reputation of a university. LSU's...

Catchers practice hard

Catchers practice hard

By Chris Gibson, Contributing Writer
October 30, 2003

Nick Stavinoha used to crush a lot on the football field. Running backs, tight ends, wide receivers and quarterbacks - it did not matter who came in his vicinity, the middle linebacker would do his best...

Event highlights ancient Mayan life, culture

By Aaron Bayham, Contributing Writer
October 30, 2003

While many students spent their summer on beach blankets, geography master's student Bretton Sommers and several others spent their time uncovering ancient Mayan ruins in Belize. LSU Maya Archaeology Night,...