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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Q and A with Doré

October 30, 2003

A successful flagship university athletics program could prove to be vital to the state's economy during the next governor's administration. Jason Dore asked the two gubernatorial candidates about their...

Forgotten Fall Classic

By Amanda Vlerck
October 30, 2003

When does the World Series start? Anybody know? When are the Red Sox going to take on the Cubs? That's right, they're not. Game six of this year's Fall Classic came on TV Saturday night and I realized...

Homecoming parade highlights week’s events

By Dennis Mitchell, etc. Writer
October 30, 2003

This year's Homecoming is bigger and better than past years with unique activities and events scheduled all weeklong. This year's theme, "Rock and Roar," has "interspersed different decades of music" along...

Tales of a Haunted Campus

By Kim Moreau, Revelry Writer
October 30, 2003

Though some people may consider New Orleans a supernatural haven, LSU might have its share of ghosts as well. On a campus this old, there are bound to be stories of murders and mysteries that warrant retelling. Buildings...


By Editor’s View
October 30, 2003

In an age when most people are watching television, a newspaper provides something unique. This week, Student Government brought The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times newspapers to campus for...

Organization helps members get connected

By Scott Sternberg, Staff Writer
October 30, 2003

Minority students in the mass communication field have a student organization which can help them jump start their careers. One of the many organizations under the Black Student Union's umbrella, The Association...

Fan’s Best Friend

By Alexandria Burris, etc. Writer
October 30, 2003

He represents every aspect of the University. At sporting events his orange and black stripes decorate the campus with tiger pride. Mike the Tiger has been a part of the University since 1936, and he is...

Students hope to boost careers by modeling

By Walter Gabriel, Contributing Writer
October 30, 2003

Some members of the LSU community are gaining the national spotlight at early ages, but not in a way most people would expect - they are modeling. Two LSU students are appearing in national publications....

University customs change throughout the years

By Walter Gabriel, etc. Writer
October 30, 2003

Grilling burgers and cooking jambalaya under purple and gold tents on Saturday afternoons is a ritual performed by LSU fans, but few people know about traditions that no longer exist. History professor...

Letters to the Editor

October 30, 2003

Smokers need to be careful with butts On my usual route to class this morning through the parking lot between Howe-Russell and Nicholson Hall, I noticed that a pile of leaves which had accumulated along...

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Though the process has changed during the years, homecoming is a tradition students have enjoyed for decades. According to the "L" book, in the early days of the University, women had many chances to be...

In the Spotlight

By Aaron Bayham
October 30, 2003

Most students cannot imagine the effect that being named Homecoming king or queen in front of more than 90,000 screaming fans would have on their lives. Melanie Hebert and Mark Higgins II share their stories...