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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Students score free international food samples

By Adam Causey, Staff Writer
October 20, 2003

Table-sitters in Free Speech Alley on Friday handed out more than just the usual fliers - they gave away free food. Student Government and the Union Program Council co-sponsored the food and culture event...

Men run well at Chile Pepper Invitational

By Michael McNeil, Contributing Writer
October 20, 2003

In the last meet before the Southeastern Conference Championship, the LSU cross country team finished well at the Chile Pepper Invitational in Fayetteville, Ark. The men's team finished the 10K meet in...

Focus on Fitness

By With Kris Rappold
October 20, 2003

Most people know eating late at night before to going to bed is not ideal for weight loss. Late night eating, for the most part, is considered to be eating less than two to three hours before going to...

'Under God' should be removed from pledge

‘Under God’ should be removed from pledge

By Hannah Anderson, Columnist
October 20, 2003

History can teach so many valuable lessons about the consequences of a government too closely tied to religion. In 1572, approximately 50,000 French men, women, and children were killed simply because...

We should show Rush the kindness he doesn't

We should show Rush the kindness he doesn’t

By Ryan Merryman, Columnist
October 17, 2003

The talent on loan from God was apparently several thousand pain pills. If this is God-given talent, than Hunter S. Thompson is holier than St. Francis. Yes, it seems that Rush H. Limbaugh III is in deep...

Off the cuff

Off the cuff

October 17, 2003

This is a poem I wrote to the woman I went on the date with last weekend. I left it on the windshield of her car while it was parked at her apartment. (Note to my Parole Officer: Yes, I was at least 500...

Soaring Scales

Soaring Scales

By Heidi Cenac, Contributing Writer
October 17, 2003

Provost Risa Palm agreed grade inflation is the never-ending issue. Universities everywhere are discussing grade inflation, the idea that professors award more A's than in the past, causing A's to lose...

Student Savings

By Leslie Ziober, Contributing Writer
October 17, 2003

Self-proclaimed bargain shopper Elizabeth Walker, a communication disorders sophomore, relies on student-friendly businesses for prices that agree with her student budget. "I think that some of the local...

Alumnus finds calling in journalism

By Justin Robicheaux, Staff Writer
October 17, 2003

Robert Pierre has done a lot during the first 35 years of his life. He graduated from LSU, worked for The Times-Picayune and The Washington Post, flew with Vice President Dick Cheney during his first campaign...

Web site aids students in selecting majors

By Amanda McElfresh, Staff Writer
October 17, 2003

Many students have difficulty deciding on a major in college. Some students remain undecided, while others frequently change their majors. However, a new Web site offers students assistance in making a...

Report shows positive outlook for La. Economy

By Lauren Wilbert, Staff Writer
October 17, 2003

The days of slim pickings for job opportunities and an uncertain economy are beginning to fade, according to a new report showing economic growth in Louisiana. Economics professors Loren Scott and James...


October 17, 2003

TODAY, Friday, Oct. 17 Catholic Center * Pray the Rosary at 6 p.m. in Church * Highland @ Dalrymple Career Services * InterviewTRAK Registration Workshop * 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 263A Coates Hill Farm...