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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Saturday Mourning

By Kevin Brooks, Revelry Writer
October 16, 2003

One of the biggest joys in an '80s child's life was Saturday morning. This was because of the phenomenon known only as Saturday morning cartoons. Young children watching TV today will not undergo the same...

Diable returns home experienced, proud

By Kimberly Moreau, Revelry Writer
October 16, 2003

Baton Rouge native Kristin Diable thinks being a musician is hard work, though her breezy, jazzy sound would make listeners think otherwise. Kristin Diable and her carefree sounds return to Baton Rouge...

Marcus Nispell's "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"

Marcus Nispell’s “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”

By Matt Grady, Revelry Writer
October 16, 2003

Jessica Biel leads a cast of rising stars in the remake of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." The 1974 original introduced the world to a new genre of horror films. It also paved the way for more horror all-stars...

Laval impressed with play of freshmen

By Chris Gibson, Contributing Writer
October 16, 2003

Five national titles and consistent success nationally in the Southeastern Conference does have its perks, especially when you can recruit players from any area of the country. Freshmen players like Lance...

New cars exude style, options, affordability

New cars exude style, options, affordability

By Matt Grady, Revelry Writer
October 16, 2003

In college, transportation may be at the top of anyone's priority list. Whether you're trying to get over to Ladies' Night in Tigerland, zooming to CEBA for an 8:30 class, or just trying to get to work,...

When does it end?

By Editor’s View
October 16, 2003

Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Corey Domingue, the student who died Friday after consuming too much alcohol. We grieve from the news that another University student has needlessly been...

Record labels justify free music

By Mark F. Bonner, Revelry Writer
October 16, 2003

The Reveille gets free CDs - hundreds of them every year; rock, hip-hop, country, techno, jazz - anything we want. Everyday we receive dozens of new CDs from the hottest artists as well up and coming groups....

Letters to the Editor

October 16, 2003

Beggars have been given opportunity In reference to the article "Beggars seek money, food near campus." My roommate is manager of an eatery at LSU, and has offered jobs to most of the beggars at the North...

Field of favor

By Dennis Mitchell, Contributing Writer
October 16, 2003

The rowdy fans, party atmosphere and always competitive LSU football team helped Tiger Stadium recently be voted as the fan's top stadium in the country and ranked among the top 10 stadiums overall. "The...

Rejection usually will work out for the best

By Emi Gilbert, Columnist
October 15, 2003

I highly recommend becoming involved because it enhances the college experience through exposure to new people, ideas, and offers "real world-esque" experience before entering the real world. But joining...

Student death leads to calls for safety

By Amanda McElfresh, Staff Writer
October 15, 2003

University officials are encouraging healthier drinking habits after the death of 19-year-old chemical engineering sophomore Corey James Domingue, who died Friday after apparently drinking too much alcohol. Chancellor...

Beggars seek money, food near campus

Beggars seek money, food near campus

By Jaci Cole, Staff Writer
October 15, 2003

The men and women who spend their days begging on Highland Road just outside LSU's stately oaks and magnificent gates usually are looking for food - and a little compassion. Andrew Stubbs has been in Baton...