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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Letters to the Editor

October 10, 2003

Help celebrate Mike V's 14th birthday Help the TAF Collegiate Club and Student Media celebrate Mike the Tiger's birthday. Mike turns 14 this week, and in hopes of giving Mike the home he deserves, we will...

Off the Cuff

By With Jay Melder
October 10, 2003

So my name is Jay Melder - your new cuffist, and this is my dream: I desperately want to be a Krispy Kreme Donut. Nothing too fancy, just a regular glaze. Oh, sweet release. To be dripping in yummy, sugary...

'Kaleeforneea' really knows how to pick 'em

‘Kaleeforneea’ really knows how to pick ’em

By Ryan Merryman, Cloumnist
October 10, 2003

First Jesse Ventura, now Arnold. Who knew that the cast of the film Predator would spawn so many elected officials. Perhaps Carl "Apollo Creed" Weathers should consider a run himself. Well, as all of humanity...

Internet campaigning new for candidates

By Justin Robicheaux, Staff Writer
October 10, 2003

This year's crop of gubernatorial hopefuls entered into unchartered waters with its attempts to put together a successful Web site. From campaign platforms to breaking news to fund-raising opportunities,...

SG forum to explain allocation of Tech Fee

By Lauren Wilbert
October 10, 2003

The Student Technology Fee has become an expected part of a student's fee bill each semester, but many students may not know where that money goes. Jason Wesley, student body vice president and tech fee...

Gator Slayer

Gator Slayer

By Bryan Wideman, Sportswriter
October 10, 2003

Since his arrival at LSU, quarterback Matt Mauck has met strong criticism from the national media, but his experience behind center has allowed him to gain confidence and quiet the critics. At the beginning...

Senate proposes to revise election code

By Laura Patz, Chief Staff Writer
October 10, 2003

Student senators proposed an amendment with a long list of revisions to the old election code at their meeting Wednesday night. Last spring, many senators and other Student Government members expressed...

Local fire poses no likely danger

Local fire poses no likely danger

By Laura Patz, Chief Staff Writer
October 10, 2003

Although a fire in a downtown building Thursday caused fear of toxic levels of asbestos in the air, officials said Baton Rouge is in no immediate danger. Firefighters contained a fire on the eighth floor...

Office asks fans to wear white

By Laura Patz, Chief Staff Writer
October 10, 2003

The Tiger football team is prepared to "white out the gators" Saturday with the help of thousands of LSU fans. Sports Information Director Michael Bonnette said the Athletic Department is asking all Tiger...

Spectrum to observe Coming Out Day

By Perisha Hendricks, Contributing Writer
October 10, 2003

Diversifying the University encompasses more than improving race relations. Increasing awareness and becoming more open-minded to those of other sexual orientation also is critical. To do so, Spectrum...

Who needs a king?

Game shouldn’t ‘pass go’

By Tim Basilica, Opinion Editor
October 10, 2003

Who remembers the good ol' days when you and your family would sit around during the holidays, tell funny stories and maybe play a boardgame. Maybe it was Trivial Pursuit or Candy Land. Chances are it...


October 10, 2003

TODAY Wargaming and Roleplaying at LSU * Roleplaying and Gaming * 7 p.m. - till, Tureaud Hall * Contact [email protected] Hill Farm Community Garden * 4:30 p.m., Hill Farm Teaching Facility * Contact...