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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Mahayla “Powerlines”

By Angella Semons, Revelry Writer
September 11, 2003

Don't expect Mahayla's "Powerlines" to be the run of the mill local folk band. This New Orleans group redefines folk music by adding their own mix of rock, bluegrass and one out of control violin. Although...


September 11, 2003

TODAY, Thursday, Sept. 11 SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT * 6 p.m. 1112 CEBA * Contact Howard, 8-3007 PAINTBALL CLUB @ LSU * Informational meeting * 7 p.m. Union Ouachita Room COLLEGE DEMOCRATS *...

Students sought spiritual relief after Sept. 11

By Jaci Cole, Staff Writer
September 11, 2003

Melody Cox remembers what her church was like the Sunday after Sept. 11. "I couldn't believe how packed it was," Cox said. "People were standing in the church; that never happens." The trend was national....

"The Order"

“The Order”

By Matthew Gradu, Revelry Writer
September 11, 2003

Heath Ledger plays Alex Bermier, a young priest in a religious order trained to investigate supernatural occurrences. When his mentor is mysteriously murdered in Rome, he is sent to investigate. Accompanied...

Positive influence

By Perisha Hendricks, Contributing Writer
September 11, 2003

Since the semester began, over 100 students have already visited the math tutorial lab to get help in their courses, and lab coordinator Susan Saale said enrollment will only increase. "During the start...

Football recruiting underway

By David Theard, Sportswriter
September 11, 2003

Coach Nick Saban and the LSU football team have received eight commitments for the Tigers' 2004 recruiting class that will sign national letters of intent in February of 2004. Although the commitments...

Hundreds apply to be part of Ambassadors

Hundreds apply to be part of Ambassadors

By Scott Sternberg, Staff Writer
September 11, 2003

The LSU Ambassadors, a student organization that helps students during orientation, began its selection process this week, holding informational meetings for those interested and handing out applications...

Robert Randolph & the Family Band “Unclassified”

By Kevin Brooks, Revelry Writer
September 11, 2003

Armed with a pedal steel guitar, Robert Randolph mixes gospel, rock and blues in his latest CD, "Unclassified." "Unclassified" marks Robert Randolph & the Family Band's first major label release with...

Graduate makes youngest congressional run

By Laura Patz, Chief Staff Writer
September 11, 2003

At the age of 24, many people still are trying to work their way through college or struggling through their first job position, but one University graduate has bigger dreams in mind. Kyle Johnston has...

Letters to the Editor

September 11, 2003

Candidates should campaign to students October 4th is now less than a month away. Exciting, isn't it? The sad part is that many students on the campus of LSU don't have that date circled on their calendars. In...

Community lets its guard down

By Walter Gabriel, Contributing Writer
September 11, 2003

Since Derrick Todd Lee was arrested, there has been a collective sigh of relief in the Baton Rouge area, but such a lax in personal caution is not advised by local law enforcement. LSUPD Capt. Ricky Adams...

Time to get real, watch wrestling

By Kevin Brooks, Revelry Writer
September 11, 2003

Who would win in a fight between professional wrestling and reality TV? Week in and week out, reality television shows score fairly high in the ratings game. Sure, reality TV makes a lot of money because...