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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Risk of West Nile declines

By Dennis Mitchell Contributing Writer
August 26, 2003

University students are at a significantly lower risk of contracting the West Nile Virus this fall than they were in August 2002 because of continuing efforts to keep areas of campus clean. At this time...

Coach looks to make first NCAA appearance.

By Chris Gibson, Contributing Writer
August 26, 2003

It is clear by his track record that LSU soccer coach George Fotopoulos wins. It took just two full seasons and the first game of the 2002 season for Fotopoulos to become the school's all-time win leader....

Fraternity praised despite poor assessment

By Laura Patz, Chief Staff Writer
August 26, 2003

Despite a poor score on the spring University Greek assessment, the LSU Omega Psi Phi chapter has been recognized as the most outstanding in its district. Although there is a misconception that the University...

Instant replay to be tested

By Ronnie McLellan, Sportswriter
August 26, 2003

After a season full of questionable calls by Big Ten Conference football officials, the league's coaches voted unanimously to experiment with instant replay this season. The experiment will take place...

Depth chart has noticeable changes

By David Theard, Sportswriter
August 26, 2003

LSU football coach Nick Saban released the depth chart Monday formulated by the coaching staff for the season opener Aug. 30 against the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Although most starters remained...

Building starts on College Drive Wal-Mart

By Heidi Cenac, Contributing Writer
August 26, 2003

Behind chain-linked fences in Village Square shopping center, bulldozers create piles of dirt and broken concrete so high, signs hang on the fence to tell shoppers there is an Office Depot behind the construction...

Letter to the Editor

August 26, 2003

Resident sees apartment differently This is in response to the article boasting about Sterling University Crescent apartments in the etc. section that was released last Thursday. Sterling is the worst...

Change of Scenery

Pruning trees prevents problems

By Alexandria Burris Contributing Writer
August 26, 2003

Facility Services prunes trees in order to provide a beautiful campus for students, but workers also prune tree branches to prevent damage that may occur to surrounding buildings and students. "Landscape...

Policy outlaws file-sharing with University computers

By Mark F. Bonner, Revlery Writer
August 24, 2003

Music and movie industry watchdogs are pressuring LSU to stop students from illegally downloading copyrighted material on campus, but University officials admit the school's policy against illegal file...

Auburn, Georgia preseason favorites in SEC

By Reveille sportswriter Chris Gibson
August 24, 2003

Alabama Player to watch: QB Brodie Croyle, sophomore. Croyle would have been great in the Mike Price system that developed solid college quarterbacks of the likes of Drew Bledsoe, Ryan Leaf and Jason Gesser....

Mauck regains starting quarterback job

By David Theard, Reveille Sportswriter
August 24, 2003

Slowly but surely, Matt Mauck was becoming a good quarterback. After a season-opening 26-8 drubbing at the hands of Virginia Tech in which Mauck's receivers dropped numerous balls, the former minor league...

Academic Excellence fee increased for fall semester

By Amanda McElfresh, Staff Writer
August 24, 2003

Beginning this fall, students will pay an extra $245 per semester for Academic Excellence. The fee, which is not covered by TOPS for Louisiana students, was increased during the summer from the previous...