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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Religious groups welcome new students

By Jaci Cole, etc. Writer
August 21, 2003

Drive down Dalrymple and you can't miss it. Five churches in a row, all beckoning students to enter their doors with a large sign and a promise of free lunch. The fall semester is beginning, and LSU's...

Cheer your tail off

August 21, 2003

Click here for a slideshow of LSU football cheers

Center offers academic aid

By Amanda Duhon, etc. Writer
August 21, 2003

Balancing a social life with a high GPA can be difficult for any college student, but in the end, studying -- not socializing -- leads to graduation. Center for Academic Success Director Saundra McGuire...

Remember when…

By Jace Reynolds
August 21, 2003

One of my most vivid memories of my first semester at LSU is what I now fondly call "the beignet incident." Now, normally I am a fairly clean eater, but on that second morning of college, my nerves took...

Landmarks of LSU

Landmarks of LSU

By Tracy Simoneaux, etc. Writer
August 21, 2003

The University's current campus was dedicated only about 78 years ago, but it still has accumulated a rich history including several famous landmarks and traditions. According to the University's Web site,...

Fighting Fat: How to avoid the freshman 15

By Jennifer Galjour, etc. Columnist
August 21, 2003

The American College of Health surveys estimate although "59 percent of the [freshman] did gain weight, the average amount they gained was only 4.6 pounds." But I know better than to believe the "Freshman...

Tips for new students from experienced Tiger

By Ryan Merryman, etc. Columnist
August 21, 2003

Hey Rube. Yeah, you, the one with the dazed, vacant expression in the eyes, looking for Coates Hall down around the PMAC. Take a minute, sit down and listen to some advice from a young man who has been...

Staying on schedule: Info found in booklet

By Tracy Simoneaux, etc. Writer
August 21, 2003

Incoming students sometimes find it difficult to remember all of the University's important dates when it comes to registration, classes and fees. But one campus administrator has disclosed the secret...

Loving living: on or off campus

By Kacie Fuselier, etc. Writer
August 21, 2003

One of the most important decisions to confront college students is choosing a place to live that meets all of their needs: safety, budget, comfort and convenience. Finding a place that fits these requirements...

Taking fun classes helps maximize college experience

By Stephanie DeMoor, etc. Columnist
August 21, 2003

I walked into the dimly lit room as the sounds of nearly 100 chattering people echoed off the walls. It was freshman year, I was in Himes Hall and it was time to schedule classes. Even after two days of...

Columnist recalls traumatic egging incident

By Kayla Gagnet, etc. Columnist
August 21, 2003

You'll never forget missing your very first college final. I don't have the typical excuses for missing that test. I didn't party too hard, I didn't oversleep and I didn't forget. I was assaulted. After...

First football game elicits exhiliration

By Justin Robicheaux, etc. Writer
August 21, 2003

For many incoming freshmen, Saturday, August 30 will be a first taste of college athletics. Most students and alumni consider Saturday night in Tiger Stadium incomparable to any other football game in...