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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Lee sees specialist for heart problem

Serial killer suspect Derreck Todd Lee will see heart specialists Thursday as a result of his hospitalization earlier this week. The East Baton Rouge Parish Prison sent Lee to the University's Earl K....

“we just clicked…”

By Scott Sternberg, Staff Writer
July 24, 2003

LSU students no longer have to visit Tigerland to look for "the one," because new online dating services are popping up all around the information superhighway. Instead of meeting new people the old fashioned...

Students to pay more in Fall semester

Students will be paying more for a University education next fall, thanks to fee and tuition increases. According to a broadcast e-mail sent to students Wednesday, full-time students will pay an additional...

Off the cuff

July 22, 2003

Some people recently racially discriminated against me. They made fun of my Hawaiian ancestry, particularly my middle name - Kealoha. In English, Kealoha means "with love." They said, "Oh we know what...

Home sweet home

By Kayla Gagnet, Editor-in-Chief
July 22, 2003

The end of this summer marks the end of many things for me, including my term as editor and my last summer as a college student. But it also marks a finale that could not have come sooner - the end of...

Hip-hop contraceptives

Hip-hop contraceptives

By Jennifer Galjour, Columnist
July 22, 2003

"Feeling Lucky? Jimmie Hatz condoms are available Dotted, Ribbed and in XL Great Danes for the real players putting in work. So when the moment of truth arrives - you know what to do. Pick the brand that...

Manship School changes program

The Manship School of Mass Communication has made several changes to its program in recent years. Although many of these changes have improved the school's quality, some have hindered students' progress. According...

‘How to Deal’ is typical, cliched teen movie

By Scott Sternberg, Guest Columnist
July 22, 2003

Mandy Moore is back. After a forgetful performance in "A Walk to Remember," her improved acting seems to be the only redeeming factor in her second starring role, the teen-angst-filled "How to Deal." Picture...

LSUPD makes arrest

LSUPD arrested one person in the past two weeks. Lt. Sherman Dickerson said on June 12 officers observed a car traveling southbound on Nicholson Drive at a high speed. Officers identified the driver as...


July 22, 2003

TOMORROW Wednesday, July 23 THE FAMILY DINNER AUDITIONS FOR THE FAMILY DINNER * The Family Dinner is a local comedy troupe seeking new members * Auditions will be August 23-24 * Time and place are TBA *...

New additions work to help Tigers

By Amanda Vierck, Staff Writer
July 22, 2003

Several highly recruited defensive football players have joined the Tigers for the 2003 season, but assistant head coach Lance Thompson said the player who is most likely to see time on the field this...

Women form exotic book club

Lustful, enticing tales of sex was the discussion for the first meeting of the Exotic, Erotic Summer Reading Club for Women. The three friends, who jokingly created the club, said despite what the name...