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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




July 17, 2003

TODAY, Thursday, July 17 AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER OPEN DISCUSSION ON WHAT IT MEANS TO BE BLACK IN AMERICA * Lead by Dr. Nghara Lewis * The first in a series of discussions on Black Consciousness...

Serial killer not influential in election

Despite some hype over gubernatorial candidate Jay Blossman's use of serial killer-related issues in his campaign, University experts predict that topic will not determine Louisiana's next governor. Blossman,...

Tigers awarded at ESPYs

By Adam Causey, Copy Editor
July 17, 2003

Thanks to faithful Tiger football fans, LSU's Nov. 9 last-second win over Kentucky earned the Best Play ESPY at last night's televised, 11th annual awards ceremony in Hollywood. Devery Henderson, wide...

Loan rebate offered to stop out-migration from state

Some students plan to leave the state when they graduate, but the Governor's Office and Louisiana Education Loan Authority are trying to persuade students to stay by offering a six-percent rebate on Stafford...

Where are the male nurses?

By Jennifer Galjour, Columnist
July 17, 2003

Nursing school and employment advertisements are finding their ways to local sports pages in a nationwide attempt to attract men to the field. With the baby boomer generation aging into the coming decades,...

Off the Cuff

By Adam Causey
July 15, 2003

The other day, I went on what I like to call my inspiration run -- a time when you faithful readers out there send magnificent ideas for Off the Cuff topics straight to my brain through extrasensory perception. I...


July 15, 2003

TOMORROW Wednesday, July 16 RED STICK COMEDY: DOWNTOWN COMEDY DISTRICT OPEN MIKE NIGHT * Show begins at 8 p.m. at Richoux's * Local comics, amateur and professional, are invited to perform stand-up comedy...

Gentlemen? Yes. Extraordinary? No.

Gentlemen? Yes. Extraordinary? No.

By Scott Sternberg, Guest Columnist
July 15, 2003

Sean Connery's new action-adventure "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen," should be titled "The League of Extraordinarily Bad Ideas." The new, late 19th-century "X-Men" wannabe didn't live up to my...

Letters to the Editor

July 15, 2003

Freedom of speech and freedom of the presses are freedoms that everyone in our great country can exercise and that mean so much to many colleges and universities across the nation. However, I feel inclined...

‘Handling fee’ added to ticket prices

By Justin Robicheaux
July 15, 2003

Students ordering football tickets this year may have noticed a slight increase in the handling fee from last year. Student tickets are ordered exclusively through and cost $49. A $5 "handling...

Outlandish talk show host to run for Ohio Senate in 2004

Outlandish talk show host to run for Ohio Senate in 2004

By Hannah Anderson
July 15, 2003

When asked about Jerry Springer's intentions to run for Senate in Ohio's 2004 election, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle stated, "[He] wouldn't be my first choice for Senate. I understand he was a mayor...

Cultural center holds poetry forum

By Amanda Vierck
July 15, 2003

Under dim lights in front of a group of about 30 African-American students, several students chose to read original poetry for the Spoken Word event held by the African-American Cultural Center last Thursday. As...