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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



University Playmate

By Justin Robicheaux, Staff Writer
July 10, 2003

When Colleen Marie attended LSU, she did not party, did not drink and favored studying over Saturday nights in Tiger Stadium. Now the veterinarian and 2002 LSU graduate is the centerfold of the August...

Temple, Dupree play during summer

By Amanda Vierck, Staff Writer
July 10, 2003

Despite not being selected in the NBA draft June 26, LSU starters Collis Temple III and Ronald Dupree are getting another shot at the big leagues. Both players are listed on the Detroit Pistons' summer...

University reacts to Supreme Court admissions ruling

By Amanda Duhon, Contributing Writer
July 10, 2003

The U.S. Supreme Court made two rulings about affirmative action June 23, increasing LSU student debate over the controversial topic causing an examination of admissions policy. The court split 6-3, finding...

A reason for retail

A reason for retail

Walking into the Union Bookstore or a local retail store, a student may find a variety of products carrying the University logo, including hats, shirts, flags and umbrellas. These products generate hundreds...


July 10, 2003

TODAY Thursday, July 10 AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER THE INDULGENCE OF SPOKEN WORD * Poetry written by some of the best poets on LSU campus * 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. * For more information, call Brandon Hudson...

Injured players hope to return to pitching staff

Injured players hope to return to pitching staff

By Justin Robicheaux, Staff Writer
July 10, 2003

Smoke Laval, LSU baseball head coach, said the return of three injured pitchers could determine how successful the Tigers are next season. Laval said pitchers Lane Mestepey, Brian Wilson and Brandon Nall,...

Letters to the Editor

July 10, 2003

Correcting author's name In his letter to the editor on July 8, Charles Gordon attempted to correct an error made by Hannah Anderson when mentioning the name of the late author of A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES...

Delta Kappa Epsilon removed from campus

Delta Kappa Epsilon removed from campus

Exchanges. Hazing. Service projects. Alcohol. There are different ideas associated with Greek organizations. But with another fraternity being removed from campus, questions have arisen about the quality...

Off the cuff

July 10, 2003

Just when you thought Cuff was drifting away from its semi-funny banter, your friendly humor columnist started acting like a real reporter and went out looking for some high quality, entertaining journalism. It...


July 8, 2003

TOMORROW, Wednesday, July 9 UNION PROGRAM COUNCIL * Free bowling, pool, and refreshments * 12 p.m.-1 p.m. * Union Tiger Pause THURSDAY, July 10 AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER * The Indulgence of Spoken...

Lost in the Stacks

Many students return books to Middleton Library expecting them to be checked in, but some patrons claim the library lost the books they returned. Dean of Library Sciences Jennifer Cargill said library...

¿Habla español?

By Kayla Gagnet, Editor-in-Chief
July 8, 2003

Move over Snoop Dogg - yours is not the language of the future. That's right. As the demographics of this country change, Spanish is becoming the language of choice for many. Grammar school kids, college...