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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Equality suit nears end

Parties in the East Baton Rouge Parish school desegregation case have reached an agreement, possibly ending 47 years of lawsuits, mediations and court appearances. The Davis v. East Baton Rouge Parish...


June 23, 2003

* Both the Multi-Agency Homicide Task Force and East Baton Rouge Coroner Louis Cataldie have spoken out about inaccuracies on ABC's PrimeTime special regarding the South Louisiana serial killer. The program...

Off the cuff

June 23, 2003

Most men know the unwritten rule that women rarely go into public restrooms alone. I hope to help educate the female population about male bathroom etiquette. Rule No. 1: Minimize conversation Girls might...

Harry Potter Mania

Harry Potter Mania

By Kayla Gagnet, Editor-in-Chief
June 23, 2003

I stood in the midst of hundreds upon hundreds of anxious children, teenagers and adults shoulder-to-shoulder, dressed in their best wizards' robes and witches' hats, with magic wands by their sides and...

Academic standards raised for athletes

By Justin Robicheaux, Staff Writer
June 23, 2003

New NCAA academic requirements will raise the standards for incoming freshman student-athletes this fall. Changes include raising the core course requirement and a new degree completion percentage checked...

Department plans return of microbiology

The Office of Undergraduate Studies in Biological Sciences has announced plans to reinstate the microbiology program for Fall 2004. The curriculum, which was cancelled in 2001, has undergone constant revision...

Purely Potter

By Scott Sternbreg, Staff Writer
June 23, 2003

"5...4...3...2...1! Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry," came roaring shouts from the crowd of hundreds packed into Barnes & Noble bookstore Friday night. The occasion? A 12:01 a.m. release of "Harry Potter...

Lewis sneaks by Klitschko

By Scott Sternberg, Guest Columnist
June 23, 2003

Think about it: before they were running naked at the first Olympics in Greece, some Neanderthal was probably boxing another Neanderthal over his favorite rock. These days, the title of Heavyweight Champion...

Letters to the editor

June 23, 2003

TV special was misleading I would like to thank Sarah Hays for speaking up about ABC's piece on the Baton Rouge serial killer. I felt throughout the program many details of the investigation were blatantly...

Fraternity receives probation after violation

The University issued probation terms to Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity in response to an April incident at the fraternity house. According to Dean of Students Kevin Price, on or about April 4 and 5, 2003,...

Climbing the Hill

Climbing the Hill

By Amanda Vierck, Staff Writer
June 23, 2003

Even though the Tigers went 0-2 at the College World Series, shortstop Aaron Hill ended his season on a high note. After being named Southeastern Conference Player of the Year, Hill was named first-team...

Selling off the sleaze

By Jennifer Galjour, Columnist
June 18, 2003

Joe Conforte would be proud. Somewhere in Brazil, probably sipping on cocktail with a little paper umbrella, I bet he's feeling pretty good about his old Mustang Ranch brothel back home just 15 miles outside...