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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Love at First Click

By Andria Jensen
May 7, 2003

By Nick Meyers, Contributing Writer A typical American male fantasy often involves him graciously sweeping some Hollywood starlet off of her feet and into a love-laden life. Bill Kelley, professor of music,...

Where are you in our pages?

Ready to go

By Diette Courrege, Columnist
May 7, 2003

I think I'm in a minority of graduating seniors. I've heard one too many people say they don't want to graduate, that they want to stay at LSU as long as they can. Personally, I can't wait to get out of...

Finals time stressful for faculty, too

By Justin Robicheaux, Staff Writer
May 7, 2003

Finals are next week, and students are not the only people on campus with high stress levels. While students think the work they put into finals week is stressful, John Whittaker, philosophy and religious...

March truly is madness

Hurricanes look to ACC

By Bryan Wideman, Sports Writer
May 7, 2003

It's the beginning of December. The college football regular season is over, and the conference championship games are underway. In the Southeastern Conference championship game, Auburn and Tennessee are...

DJ starts alternative ‘side’ show

Around 15 years ago, the word "alternative" was used to describe music existing independent of popular culture. Since then, the word has been abused by incorporation into that culture. "B-sides," a music...

Cultural symbols

By Cristina Mislan, Columnist
May 7, 2003

Imagine standing in line waiting to enter a bar with your friends. When it is your turn to pay your money to get in, the doorman tells you, "You cannot come in because your shirt is not tucked in and your...


May 7, 2003

Today - Thursday, May 8 XA LiveSponsored by Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship7 p.m., Dodson AuditoriumContact Monica Filgo, 334-3252 Green Party meeting5 p.m., Women's Center Salon Series LectureClarence...

Film portrays rose-colored reality

Meet Lizzie McGuire, a well-mannered, typical 15-year-old who just graduated from junior high. Typical in that she's strikingly beautiful, she's going to Rome on a class trip and happens to meet an Italian...

SG details Dead Week policies, resources for students

Yesterday marked the beginning of Dead Week, an intensive five-day study period preceding the week of finals. But many students are unaware of the rules governing the week or what resources are available...

University considers safety, flexibility in directory

By Rebecca Markway, Staff Writer
May 7, 2003

Administrators heard student concerns about the LSU directory Tuesday during a focus group lead by the Registrar's Office, Computing Services and University Relations. Robert Doolos, University registrar;...

Coach comments on career

May 7, 2003

Michael McNeil had a chance to sit down and talk with women's coach Tony Minnis about himself and this year's team. Question: Who was your role model growing up? Tony Minnis: "My parents. My dad started...

Lacrosse fever spreading to the South

Even though the LSU lacrosse team was in existence as an organization for about 20 years before becoming a club sport, and has more than doubled in size since last year, some people still do not know what...